Customized furniture for home and office

Effectively combining the past with modernity, so as to obtain an atmospheric interior with soul, is not an easy task — especially if the space to be arranged is in a tenement building characterized by irregularly shaped rooms. This was perfectly fulfilled by the company Marito, which prepared a furniture development that fits the climate of a vintage apartment in Warsaw's Nowy Świat.

Meble (realizacja): Marito Projekt: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska i Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Fotografie: Zasoby Studio

Furniture (implementation): Marito Design: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska and Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Photography: Zasoby Studio


Here we created, among other things, a capacious hallway built-in in the color of lemon sorbet, a bookcase with a vertical cabinet and a metal cantilever tube, on which there was room for a TV set, or a built-in kitchen that uses the available space to the millimeter. The bathroom, in turn, featured a stylish veneered sink cabinet.

Marito is a Polish brand specializing in custom furniture for both residential and corporate spaces. For 15 years, it has been making custom built-ins for kitchens, living rooms, halls, bedrooms, dressing rooms or office spaces, offering a comprehensive service for the order — from the realization of the project, through the delivery of furniture to the indicated address, to its installation.

Meble (realizacja): Marito Projekt: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska i Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Fotografie: Zasoby Studio

Furniture (implementation): Marito Design: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska and Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Photography: Zasoby Studio


Bespoke furniture makes it possible to create cohesive interior arrangements, tailored to both the needs and expectations of clients and the specifics of particular rooms. Flexible cooperation with architects, expert advice on choosing the best installation systems, aesthetic finishes or a variety of materials helps make even the most ambitious, original and unusual design vision a reality.

The brand is constantly evolving, offering its partners and customers innovative solutions, thanks to which each element of the custom built-in is carefully refined. Proven systems such as Blum, Peka and Hettich are used in the production of furniture.

Meble (realizacja): Marito Projekt: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska i Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Fotografie: Zasoby Studio

Furniture (implementation): Marito Design: RYZY studio, Anna Frankowska and Sylwia Piwońska-Kubara Photography: Zasoby Studio


There are two stationary sales points in Warsaw and WrocŁaw, open from Monday to Friday. There you can not only order customized furniture, but also receive a sample book of materials and finishes, which will make it easier to carry out the project and arrange the space. You can also get acquainted with Marito's latest realizations on Instagram (marito_en). The profile regularly features photos showing unconventional interiors arranged with custom furniture made by Marito.

For more information, visit the company's page MEBLE MARITO on the A&B portal.