Can a sofa be the basis of an art installation?

30 of April '24

Panta Rei installation by Daniele Papuli explores themes of fragility and endurance.

Daniele Papuli znany jest z wykorzystywania papieru w swoich pracach

Daniele Papuli is known for using paper in his works

© Kave Home

Daniele Papuli is an Italian artist. After studying Sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, he settled in Milan, where he still works today. In his works, he uses handmade paper, selected for its color and weight. He describes himself as a sculptor that is in a constant dialogue with materials, places and space.

Delicacy of endurance

Panta Rei is an art installation created from more than 11,000 sheets of paper. Daniele Papuli's work alludes to the fact that all resilient and fluid structures are built from the sensitivity and subtlety of their elements. Beatrice Rossetti is the curator of the project presented at Milan Design Week.

Instalacja nosi nazwę Panta Rei Do stworzenia dzieła wykorzystano ponad 11 000 arkuszy papieru

More than 11,000 sheets of paper were used to create the piece

© Kave Home

An artistic look at furniture

Two pieces of furniture were used to create this installation. The first one is an armchair with an organic shape. Mimicking the sea and sky, the object interacts with the space and the artwork to create a unique sensory experience. The second piece is a modular sofa. The structure of the furniture can be personalized, so it easily adapts to the space. In this case, the artwork mimics a sofa with a fusion resembling flower petals.

Jednym z dwóch mebli wykorzystanych do stworzenia instalacji była modułowa sofa Elementy instalacji przypominają płatki kwiatów

One of the two pieces of furniture used to create the installation was a modular sofa

© Kave Home

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