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Competition for the design of an indoor swimming pool in Piaseczno

31 of December '19

We would like to invite you to participate in a study and implementation competition for the development of an architectural concept for an indoor swimming pool in Piaseczno, organized by the Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Architects and the Municipality of Piaseczno.

The primary task of the competition is to select the best or best architectural concept for an indoor swimming pool in Piaseczno for the development of full design documentation along with author's supervision enabling the realization of the investment. The presented concepts should provide for future-oriented and feasible solutions, both in terms of economic efficiency of the construction process, low operating costs during the life of the building, as well as positive impact on humans and the environment.

The competition participant whose work the jury deems the best will be invited to negotiate in a sole-source contract. The subject of the negotiations will be the terms and conditions of the future agreement for the development of the design documentation and author's supervision. An additional task envisaged by the organizer is to obtain the best urban planning solutions for the area covered by the study part of the competition and use them to formulate guidelines for the development of these areas.

The competition jury consists of: Ewa Kuryłowicz, Maciej Kuryłowicz, Magdalena Maciąg, Małgorzata Mirecka, Kinga Socha, Robert Widz, Anna Pakulińska-Attia and Sylwia Horabik.


  • applications for admission to the competition: until 10.01.2020
  • submission of competition works: until 08.05.2020
  • announcement of results: 22.05.2020

More information and detailed rules and regulations are available on the SARP WARSAW website.

The area of the competition study is located on plot no. 3/45, precinct no. 28 unit ev. Piaseczno at Chyliczkowska Street. The area is covered by the provisions of the local spatial development plan for the part of the city of Piaseczno for the area bounded by Armii Krajowej Street, Chyliczkowska Street from the east and from the south-east by the administrative border of the city (area D9, D10, D11, D12, D13, D15, D16), approved by the Resolution of the Municipal Council in Piaseczno No. 1440/XLVIII/2010 dated June 16, 2010. (Dz.Urz.Woj.Maz. of October 14, 2010 No. 177 item 4580).
The proposed solutions of the implementation part must be in accordance with the aforementioned local plan, the study part may go beyond the arrangements of the plan, while maintaining the function of tourism, recreation and sports services.

elaborated. Dobrawa BIES

based on information from the organizers.
illustration provided courtesy of the organizers.

The vote has already been cast