With ARBET, a passive house becomes zero-emission. This is the conclusion reached by the creator of the concept of the Indeed Passive House, Maciej Sempinski. His first project, a realization from Kozmin Wielkopolski, has become zero-emission.
A passive house allows owners to enjoy very low operating costs and a clean environment. Maciej Sempinski has been taking measurements every month for about eight years, checking how his concept is performing. This year it turned out that his house consumed less energy than the norm. This was possible, thanks to the use of solutions in which Real Styrofoam panels from FS ARBET were an important part.
Styrofoam that can do a lot
The Indeed Passive House does not have traditional foundations and is founded on a foundation slab. It is a slab made of polystyrene foam. It is an ARBET polystyrene slab.
The foundation slab in Maciej Sempinski's first project was made of HYDROPIAN. Subsequent projects were created using PARKING EXPERT slabs.
Parking Expert
Both of these styrofoams are a material that "can do a lot". - that's how the project developer himself describes it. This is a term prepared in the design phase for the private use of the innovator. The innovator wanted a polystyrene made in large slabs of 1000×4000 mm, which would also have favorable lambda, high load resistance and the best possible price.
Implementing the first project in Kozmino, Sempinski became interested in ARBET's products. This happened because of the relevant parameters and the Factory's production capacity. The solution used now was developed in cooperation with the manager of the FS ARBET plant in Gostyn, Pawel Piotrowski.
In addition, the house was insulated with a layer of Fasada GRAFIT panels.
Zero-emission Real Passive House
Sempinski's latest measurements show that in the 2021/2022 heating season, only 4 months and 6 days were used to reheat the house. Currently, the house is drawing on solar energy.
The graphic above shows the exact calculations involved in operating the house. For most users, heating is the largest home maintenance cost - but not for THIS house. A truly passive house, the first to be built using the Maciej Sempinski method, consumes a token amount of energy, difficult to compare with the expenses in traditional construction. The foundation slab and proper insulation with ARBET polystyrene foam allowed users of the house to enjoy comfort and minimal expenses.
For more information, visit the company's Fabryka Styropianu ARBET page on the A&B portal.