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"With a coherent vision, we can level what is pathological in our practice" – Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapala, president of SARP Krakow

06 of September '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024-2028 term [RESULTS]. We bring you the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Society of Polish Architects, and we also ask them about contemporary challenges facing architects and architects. Today Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapała, president of the SARP Krakow Branch, answered our questions.

SARP Krakow Branch

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapała: We are just finishing the renovation of our headquarters, which has not undergone any modernization for a quarter of a century. This is an ideal time to revise the scope of our activities.

We are more strongly involved in city affairs, implementing the ideas of the Pact for Space. The situation is unique this is a time that must be put to good use. Our next meetings and debates will focus on strengthening cooperation with city units and entities responsible for space. We initiated the series with a meeting with Prof. Piotr Lorens, Architect of the City of Gdansk. The response after the event showed that this very issue is extremely important, that awareness of the need for change is widespread.

SARP, as a professional association, must be present where decisions are made that directly affect us. Bringing together many specialists, experienced architects, we are a knowledge base and support in urban planning decisions.

We have begun preparations for the next edition of the International Architecture Biennial. We will continue the theme of reclaiming, restoring and healing city structures RE-USE, RECOVER. We want to expand our reach, to achieve an international dimension of the event.

We will continue our series: there is no shortage of Masters we have not yet met; writing and promoting architecture, whose observations are worth disseminating and sharing.

We want to open our gallery to all "peri-architectural" activities  a place for exhibitions, discussions and, above all, meetings of those to whom architecture is dear.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Magdalena Buczynska-Zapala: The profession of architecture has always been a challenge. It is a constant development, acquiring knowledge and responding to the needs of the changing world while maintaining unchanged values. Maintaining a balance between the pace of change, requirements and what is fundamental the quality of the space and the well-being of the people living in it, is the biggest test of our skills.

What hurts the most underestimating the cost of our work and contribution to the creative process. Overlooking the whole area related to creation in pricing. Downplaying our role in the investment process.

Ensuring widespread architectural education, knowledge of the enormous impact of space on the shaping and quality of life will properly position our profession and raise its profile.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and how much are the dues?

Magdalena Buczynska-Zapala: We currently have almost 440 members we are one of the most numerous branches. Dues are 20 zloty, Seniors do not pay dues.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Magdalena Buczyńska-Zapala: SARP is a forum, a place for exchange of ideas, discussion, integration. This, besides promotion, dissemination of knowledge about architecture, is our statutory goal.

SARP through its activities is to strengthen the role of architecture and the architect who creates it.

We will not accomplish this alone from the level of a dozen people directly involved in the work of the branch. We need everyone who cares to change something, who has a vision of what tools to use to make these changes. The contribution, the commitment of each member is extremely valuable this is our potential.

By stabilizing the profession, with a coherent vision, we can level what is pathological in our practice. We cannot condone the undervaluing of our work, but let's also set high standards for it. SARP is the most suitable space to implement the aforementioned goals.

 Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast

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