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"I would like SARP to be closer to the real problems of architects" – interview with Maciej Grychowski, president of SARP Katowice Branch

01 of August '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024–2028 term [RESULTS]. We take a closer look at the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Society of Polish Architects. We also ask them about the biggest challenges currently facing architects. Today, Maciej Grychowski, president of SARP Branch Katowice, answered our questions.

SARP Branch Katowice

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Maciej Grychowski: Continuing the work of my predecessor, Mikolaj Machulik, I would say that "the program of activities of our branch centers around a few basic elements: education, promotion, integration". And this will not change. The new president does not mean a revolution in the branch only the constant, antsy work of many people to improve the existing courses of action, to implement ever new projects, to inspire and motivate members to be even more active.

In the area of education, we implement series of workshops and lectures. Our flagship and most recognizable series Masters of Architecture turns 20 this year. During this period we have invited many prominent architects to work with us, organized an exhibition that we presented in Prague and Tallinn, published a book to mark the 15th anniversary. And this is not the end of our activities.

2024 is a special year for SARP Katowice Branch, as it is full of round anniversaries 20 years of the Masters of Architecture series, 20 years since the establishment of our Architecture Gallery, the 25th time we have awarded Prof. Z. Majerski's Diploma of the Year for the best diploma at the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology, we have also organized for the 25th time the architects' May Day at the House of Creative Work the villa of General Jerzy Ziętek in Ustroń. In a moment we will announce the 30th edition of the Silesian Days of Architecture, including the 30th invitation to participate in the competition for the Architecture of the Year of the Silesian Voivodeship, the 30th time we will organize ARCHIziemniak. Next year is a year of even greater challenges, as our branch will celebrate 100 years of activity.

However, the promotion of architecture is not only the events listed above, but above all competitions: architectural realization and urban realization competitions. Since 2008, we have organized more than 30 of them, including those for real showpieces of the region the New Headquarters of the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice or the New Concert Hall of the State Music School in Jastrzębie-Zdrój.

However, not only implementation competitions are important. We also want to widely promote and appreciate high-quality architecture. Therefore, together with the Marshal of the Silesian Voivodeship, the Society of Urban Planners Silesian Branch, we organize a competition for the Best Public Space in the Silesian Voivodeship. Also, every year for 30 years we have been awarding prizes in our competition Architecture of the Year of the Silesian Voivodeship, held under the patronage of the Marshal.

The turn of the term in SARP is always associated with the Silesian Provincial Architecture Review. We will announce it soon. The exhibition and catalog prepared on this occasion will present the works of our fellow architects, completed in 2019-2024.

However, this is not the end of our activities to promote architecture. For the past 4 years on July 1st we invite you to celebrate World Architecture Day together in the formula of a photo contest. This time, together with the Institute for Architecture Documentation and the Igers Katowice collective, we encourage you to submit photos from the blockhouses of the Silesian province! The competition will end with a photo exhibition at the SARP Klubogaleria in Katowice.

Exhibitions and meetings in the SARP Klubogaleria space and in the conference space D9 space are other activities to promote our industry. We invite artists to give individual presentations of their view of architecture in the form of photography, painting or graphics. We also enable our members to organize solo exhibitions that present them not as architects, but also as artists, with full freedom of artistic expression. We organize discussions, book meetings and talk about architecture. Thus, from the need to discuss ecological architecture, the LOCO2 series was born in 2023. Guests invited to the meetings talk about their innovative solutions related to blue and green infrastructure in architecture.

We think about integration very broadly. We continue our long-standing cooperation, including with the Silesian District Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland, the Society of Polish Urban Planners Silesia Branch, the Repair the City Foundation, the Institute of Architecture Documentation of the Silesian Library or other organizations with which we share common goals and interests.

Since this year, we have also been taking steps to attract new partners. Building positive relations with institutions that have an impact on the shaping of space such as local governments or private investors creates a good basis for joint work with architects. This is because today many problems arise from a mutual misunderstanding of these communities.

However, I would like SARP to be closer to the real problems of architects that are taking place "here and now". Continued cooperation with the Silesian District Chamber of Architects in professional training is one thing, but we also need new training in IT, soft skills or management. We will start making these changes with ourselves better internal organization in the Association, developing a clear career path at the SARP levels.

The new board of directors of SARP Katowice Branch with me consists of: vice-president arch. Ewa Szymańska-Sułkowska, vice-president arch. Katarzyna Furgalińska, treasurer arch. Jerzy Hnat, secretary arch. Aleksander Krajewski, and arch. Ryszard Nakonieczny, arch. Adam Skrzypczyk, arch. Mikołaj Szubert-Tecl.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Maciej Grychowski: Certainly, it is the diminishing role of the architect in the construction process. There are a variety of issues related to this fact, such as a real decrease in income, challenges related to new technologies or the stratification of the environment, which translates into different perceptions of their interests. There are clear differences between the younger and older generations, those with and without licenses, and often ongoing disputes between employees and owners of design offices.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and how much are the dues?

Maciej Grychowski: We currently have 232 members in the branch (after last year's revision from 400), and the fee is PLN 15.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Maciej Grychowski: SARP is a platform where everyone can find a place for themselves if they want to work for the benefit of the environment. SARP provides an infrastructural base, a contact base, a knowledge base, a brand, giving its members the opportunity to realize interesting projects. We are especially keen in this term to give the young, who are just gaining experience and getting to know the environment, a chance for self-realization. Our plan for this term is: a real increase in competence through SARP through training, events, or study trips for members.

 Ola Kloc

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