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"The challenge that architects have been facing for some time now is the multitude of regulations and the frequency of their changes." - interview with Maciej Araszkiewicz, president of SARP Słupsk Branch

08 of August '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections of new authorities for the 2024-2028 term[RESULTS]. In the pages of our portal, we take a closer look at the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Society of Polish Architects, and we ask those who were re-elected to summarize the past years. We also ask them why it's worth belonging to SARP and about contemporary challenges facing architects and female architects. In today's installment of the series, Maciej Araszkiewicz, president of SARP Slupsk Branch, answered our questions.

SARP Slupsk Branch

OlaKloc: How would you summarize the past term?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: It was a difficult term, the pandemic and the war in Ukraine presented us with new challenges.

Integration of the architectural community is one of the goals of our Association as defined in the Statute. It's difficult to integrate when regulations dictate isolation. We had to cancel many planned events. Fortunately, the lockdown passed and we were quickly able to return to organizing traditional meetings. During the pandemic period, we supported the Association's members, monitoring whether they needed assistance in connection with their profession or in their daily functioning - in case of illness.

In turn, the situation in Ukraine caused us, as an Association, to take an active role in helping, lending our skills and experience. We took the initiative to improve the arrangement of spaces designed to receive refugees. We also organized in Slupsk an exhibition of works by architects from Ukraine showing the country's architecture before the outbreak of war, war damage, as well as plans for reconstruction.

Despite everything, the past term, was not a black period in the activities of the branch. I must mention that it was possible to hold interesting competitions and meetings. It seems to me that despite the difficult period in the history of the world, it was a good period for the SARP in Slupsk. It strengthened the bonds between members and contributed to improving the quality of the space.

OlaKloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you assume for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: I will continue the challenges undertaken in the previous term. I want to pay special attention to spreading our Association in the region. Currently, there is no need for significant changes in the Slupsk branch of SARP.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: I think that preparing the infrastructure of cities for climate change will be one of the biggest challenges. It seems to me that most architects are already aware of the obligation we have and know what solutions to adopt in projects. On the other hand, we often have to convince investors to adopt these solutions, and this can be somewhat of a challenge. Of course, it's not about the solutions that result from the current regulations, but about what we can introduce into our investment so that it has less impact on the environment already at the stage of implementation, and so that it is better adapted to weather changes in the future. And since I mentioned regulations, such a down-to-earth and often discussed at our meetings challenge that architects have been facing for some time is the multitude of regulations and the frequency of their changes. I understand the need to update the law due to environmental changes, as well as advances and growing technological capabilities, but we would like to see these regulations as clear and transparent as possible. Not to mention the multitude of legal acts in which they are placed. Differences in the interpretation of the regulations sometimes generate conflicts between designers and those checking the documentation on behalf of the authority. This is hardly surprising, since even in court jurisprudence there can be different judgments in similar cases.

But of course, ALWAYS "the biggest challenge facing architects today" is the HIGH QUALITY of the space surrounding us. We would like to live in harmony with nature, surrounded by beautiful views, feeling good both inside and outside the city.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch and how much are the dues?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: Currently, the Slupsk branch of SARP has 70 members, and the amount of the fee is set at 10 PLN/month.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: I already answered this question four years ago, as the newly appointed president. My opinion on this issue has not changed: SARP allows us to establish contacts, thanks to which it is easier for us to exchange experiences, support each other, cooperate. And, of course, to spend a nice time with people with similar interests.

she asked: Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast

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