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Project valuations are underestimated relative to prices in the construction market – an interview with Maciej Zuber, president of SARP Bielsko-Biala

11 of July '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024–2028 term [RESULTS]. We decided to introduce you to the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Association of Polish Architects, and we ask those who were re-elected to summarize the past years. We also ask them why it's worth belonging to the SARP and about contemporary challenges faced by architects. In the first installment of the series, Maciej Zuber, president of the SARP branch in Bielsko-Biała, answered our questions.

SARP Bielsko-Biała Branch

Ola Kloc: How would you summarize the past term?

Maciej Zuber: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and related restrictions, we were forced for half of the term to limit meetings and integration of our environment, which is one of the most important goals in the Association's activities. Nevertheless, we were able to implement several valuable initiatives.

The longing for personal contacts after the lockdown, as well as the need to exchange knowledge and experience, contributed to the launch of a new series of meetings called "Archiplots". After a hiatus of many years, we also resumed the organization of the Architects' Ball, which is held during the carnival period in the historic New Restaurant Manor in Bielsko-Biała.

In addition to integrating the community itself, it was extremely important to strengthen cooperation with the local government. At the Bielsko-Biała City Hall, we organize jointly with the Silesian Regional Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland training courses, which are attended by designers and employees of the Bielsko-Biała City Hall, and even officials of neighboring municipalities. The main purpose of the meetings is to deepen knowledge of construction laws, their interpretation and opportunities to simplify administrative procedures.

Cooperation with the magistrate has also resulted in the development of rules for organizing architectural competitions for the realization of important investments for the city. An example of successful dialogue is the just resolved competition for the development of an urban-architectural concept for the Banialuka Puppet Theater with Green Library, which may become one of Bielsko-Biała's important landmarks.

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you assume for the nearest future? Are there any changes planned?

Maciej Zuber: We still intend to expand our activities by organizing events dedicated to architecture. We are just in the process of signing a contract for the lease of premises in the city center, which SARP will run jointly with the Zielone Konie Foundation. Our goals coincide, as the foundation is dedicated to, among other things, promoting the beauty of architecture and engaging the local community in creating inspiring spaces. Together we are planning periodic meetings to spread knowledge about the architecture of the city and region, exhibitions and film screenings.

We also want to conduct further activities related to the integration of the architectural community. We intend to invite well-known personalities from the world of architecture to meetings in Bielsko-Biała, as well as to return to the formula of meetings with SARP members from other branches that we once enjoyed.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Maciej Zuber: The biggest challenge for the environment today is the underestimation of project valuations relative to rising prices in the construction market. There are no transparent regulations, there is a lack of unified pricing rates for design work, which, under pressure from investors, leads to underestimation of prices by architects themselves. This problem has not been known for a long time, but recently it has been particularly felt by our industry.

Despite the progressive digitalization of construction procedures, the waiting time for the issuance of an administrative decision or the over-interpretation of regulations by offices, which results in a lengthy and costly appeal procedure, are still major problems. Such situations have more than once led design studios to loss of financial liquidity. The need to change this state of affairs is another important task we are currently facing.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and how much are the dues?

Maciej Zuber: Currently, our branch has 70 members. We are attracting more and more architects, and we invite new people who want to act for the benefit of the environment, especially young people who have the best interests of the profession at heart. The fee is 20 zlotys.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Maciej Zuber: I was recently contacted by an architect friend, with whom I had not been in touch for some time. He decided to join SARP because he missed talking about architecture; he also had no one with whom to share the pains he faces every day. Now he is an active member and attends all our meetings. So, on the one hand, SARP membership is not only prestige, but also access to various forms of professional support. Besides, the Association of Polish Architects, in addition to local structures, is also a strong national organization that can influence the legislative process, the formation of ethics of the architectural profession, the promotion of good architecture, etc. So, on how we work in this profession and what is the social role of the architect.

 Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast

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