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"We are spoiling the market and our good name ourselves" – interview with Karolina Rogóż, president of SARP Jelenia Góra

18 of July '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024–2028 term [RESULTS]. In the pages of our portal, we bring you up to date with the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Association, and we also ask them about contemporary challenges faced by architects. Today, Karolina Rogóż, president of the SARP Jelenia Góra Branch, answered our questions.

SARP Jelenia Góra Branch

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Karolina Rogóż: Firstly, I would like to revitalize our branch, because currently not many people know about us. I would like more young architects to come to us, to see the sense of action for architecture and space just through our organization.

I would like SARP to be not only for architects, but for us to be for others, for residents, for investors and developers, but also for the City itself and our region. My plan for the coming weeks is to meet with the authorities of Jelenia Gora and talk about the future and development, about joint cooperation. This also applies to smaller towns or municipalities in the area. I would like the authorities to see prospects in our cooperation, the fruit of which could be organized architectural competitions. I strongly believe that together we will be able to develop a model of cooperation and our branch will be able to support development and investment activities for our region, and WE as experts will become visible and even indispensable in some planned investments. Using the example of many Polish cities (as well as foreign ones), one can undoubtedly point out the benefits of choosing the competitive form in the implementation of public procurement.

What else... Certainly, as a Board, we want to continue the series of meetings "Salon of architecture", "Karkonosze architectural meetings KASA" or "Mali-architekci". We would like these events to be open to all residents and interested parties. In June alone, we have already jointly organized three such events in our branch :). Because making our society more aware, paying attention to quality architecture, to aesthetics, to sustainable public space will simply result in the creation of more and more beautiful, functional spaces and objects, and this is, after all, what we care about the most a beautiful region, in which it will be good and nice to live.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Karolina Rogóż: We have difficult times for architects today. I often hear that this profession is becoming less and less profitable. Such opinions are heard mainly among students and recent graduates. And you have to admit that this is a profession that requires patience and time to build a certain brand, experience, gain the necessary knowledge (not so academic). Not everyone is ready for this. The same is true of SARP membership. Young people often ask, "what's in it for me?". And in my opinion, to belong to SARP is a great honor and prestige. SARP is an organization that has been active for more than 140 years, longer than Izba. It is a great honor to be able to (although socially), but to work for good architecture, for education, for beautiful space.

Another challenge is also today's investors, clients who are not properly aware of the quality of design and documentation. They don't realize that a "good" design is an investment that will pay them back very quickly during construction. That good quality building products and materials are quality for years. And such quality documentation simply costs more. Unfortunately, on many industry forums I encounter this attitude, that investors want the cheapest possible, looking for interns to conceptualize, or architects "to pick up". And what's worse, they always find. I feel that we are spoiling the market and our good name for ourselves.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and how much are the dues?

Karolina Rogóż: Our branch is one of the smallest (35 people), and it is a challenge to run such an Association. On the other hand, the region is developing rapidly, Jelenia Gora is located near Karpacz, Szklarska Poreba and Świeradów  cities that are still experiencing a development boom, so despite the small number of architects, we have something to do :).

The problem, however, is that our region (Karkonosze) is already quite heavily built up, over the past few years buildings have been built that differ in scale and character from the regional development. And this is probably our biggest regional problem. But it's hard to be surprised that they are being built  since such are the provisions of local plans, which "allow" such development. And the circle is closing. This is quite a serious problem. Foothill cities lack water, there is a problem with sewerage, with the cutting of trees, with communications and the operation of these facilities. Not to mention the number of tourists in the mountains, scattered garbage and so on. It's hard to stop this wave when everything is according to plan and law.

Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast

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