Modern reversible air-to-water heat pumps

Out of concern for the environment in which we live, the Termet brand's product range has been expanded to include devices whose operation is based on the use of renewable energy sources. Among them are modern reversible air-to-water heat pumps designed for central heating, domestic hot water heating and in summer for cooling, which makes them benefit the user all year round.

Rewersyjna pompa ciepła Termet Heat Platinum

Termet Heat Platinum reversible heat pump


Termet offers two series of heat pumps: Termet Heat Gold with capacities of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 20 kW, and Termet Heat Platinum with capacities of 8, 13, 18 and 23 kW. These are monoblock pumps, which means that all components are housed in one compact unit, and the refrigeration system is hermetically sealed. Such a design means that installation can be carried out by an installer who does not have the additional, expensive f-gas certification needed to work with refrigerants.

Environmentally friendly refrigerant

The heat pumps offered by Termet in the Gold and Platinum series use the ecological refrigerant R32. This is extremely important for the environment, as the GWP (global warming potential) index for R32 is only 675, so it has a much smaller impact on climate change than other refrigerants.

Inverter compressor

Termet Heat series heat pumps are equipped with modern inverter compressors:

  • Termet Heat Gold - Mitsubishi compressor,
  • Termet Heat Platinum - Panasonic compressor.

The inverter compressor, by changing the frequency of the current, allows you to adjust the heating power to the current needs of the building. When the demand for heat is low, the heat pump operates at reduced power, making it energy efficient. When the heat demand increases, the heat pump's output smoothly increases, ensuring a perfect match to current requirements.

Dzięki funkcji SmartGrid, pompy ciepła mogą współpracować z panelami fotowoltaicznymi

Thanks to the SmartGrid function, heat pumps can work with photovoltaic panels


For new and retrofitted buildings

The air-to-water heat pump can handle a wide range of flow temperatures (from 30°C to 65°C). This makes it equally suitable for low-temperature systems with underfloor heating, as well as for medium-temperature radiator systems. In addition, when more power is needed, Termet Heat Gold heat pumps have the ability to work in a cascade system - up to 4 units.

EVI technology

The use of EVI technology (i.e. direct injection of refrigerant vapor into the compressor) in Termet Heat Platinum heat pumps allows you to effectively heat your home even during the cold winter, when extremely low temperatures (up to - 25°C) occur. Thus, heat pumps can very successfully become the main source of heat for the house. Another advantage of the heat pump with EVI technology is the ability to operate the heat pump with an increased flow temperature - up to 65°C, which makes it ideal for radiator heating and modernized central heating systems.

Automatyka HP multi umożliwia łatwe zarządzanie pracą pomp ciepła

HP multi automation allows easy management of heat pump operation


Intelligent control

Dedicated to Termet Heat Gold and Platinum heat pumps, the HPmulti automation enables easy management of heat pump operation depending on the user's current needs. The controller comes with a color touchscreen panel. Thanks to the intuitive menu, the configuration of the parameters of the heating system is extremely simple.

The possibility of controlling and monitoring the parameters of the heat pump's operation via the Internet is provided by the ecoNET300 Internet module. It is worth noting that the HPmulti controller, the touch panel and the ecoNET300 module are already included in the package with the heat pump.

Advantages of the HPmulti controller:

  • controlling the work of 3 heating circuits (1 direct circuit - radiator, 2 circuits with a mixing valve),
  • control of operation of the domestic hot water circuit and circulation pump
  • creation of time schedules,
  • clear and easy-to-use menu,
  • cooperation with additional devices, e.g. dedicated room thermostat,
  • clear transmission of information about the status of the heating system,
  • the ability to intelligently manage the cooperation of the heat pump with photovoltaic panels using a pump controller with SmartGrid function,
  • the possibility of cooperation with an additional heat source.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the A&B portal.


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