Ecodan air-to-water heat pumps with patented Zubadan inverter technology

Choose the risk-free way from the beginning — a range of air-to-water heat pumps — Ecodan with patented Zubadan inverter technology.

The basic principle of the Ecodan air-to-water heat pump is simple — to consume energy from the environment in the home. To do this, it has one outdoor unit and one indoor unit, which are connected to each other. The outdoor unit consumes the energy in the air and delivers it to the indoor unit. Through the refrigerant circuit, the energy is transported to the indoor unit and from there it goes to the heating circuit — floor heating and/or radiators.
This energy is completely free and renewable, as it uses stored solar heat in the air. Only 25% of the total energy required to power the heat pump comes from the power grid. In other words — with 25% electricity and 75% free energy from the environment, the heat pump gives 100% heat — a bill that speaks for itself.

Pompy ciepła Ecodan Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan heat pumps


And if the electricity comes from free solar energy processed in a photovoltaic system, you can become almost completely independent of fossil energy carriers with a heat pump.

Ecodan heat pumps with patented Zubadan inverter technology, which are able to operate reliably even at outdoor temperatures as low as — 28°C. With the new units using Zubadan Inverter technology, this range has been increased to - 30°C.

It is also possible to efficiently produce water at higher temperatures, such as for existing radiators. This makes the transition to a monovalent heating system simple and reliable.

When renovating larger residential buildings, the issue of replacing the old heating system is increasingly being considered. In such situations, it is worth noting the advantages of Ecodan heat pumps. Their wide range of operation allows them to adapt to the conditions found, they can be used as a monovalent or bivalent solution.
Recently, Mitsubishi Electric's range of Ecodan heat pumps has been enriched with PUZ-WZ units, using the ecological refrigerant R290. For more information, please visit: 

Ecodan systems come with a 5-year warranty

Together with the Ecodan heat pump, customers receive durable, economical and 100% future-ready heating. This provides the perfect combination of advanced technology and high-quality materials.

Ventilation in the home – Air quality

Mitsubishi Electric's Lossnay recuperation systems are a wide range of recuperators with cross-flow heat exchangers that provide a flexible fit for the ventilation system being designed. Depending on the type of unit used, it is possible to recover temperature (Lossnay VL-250/350/500 model) or temperature and humidity (VL-50 and VL-100 models). Moisture recovery protects against excessive dehumidification of rooms during winter periods.

In addition to their main ventilation function, Lossnay ventilation systems can also purify indoor air.

A wide range of optional filters allows the elimination of indoor air pollutants. Filters designed for Lossnay units remove, for example, PM2.5 / PM10 smog particles or nitrogen oxides (NOx), known as the silent killer. They thus influence a significant improvement in indoor air quality.

 Ecodan i Lossnay - doskonałe rozwiązanie do domu jednorodzinnego

Ecodan and Lossnay — the perfect solution for a single-family home


Wall-mounted recuperators – for apartments, houses and small commercial spaces

Mitsubishi Electric's wall-mounted units — VL50 and VL100 - allow you to make the most of the advantages of heat recovery ventilation even in smaller rooms. They are ideal for apartments and houses, as well as smaller commercial spaces, such as offices and offices. In addition, both of these recuperators are very easy to install, work almost silently, emitting noise of only 25 dB, and are characterized by a very high, up to 80%, efficiency of temperature exchange between the air exhausted from the interior and the air supplied from the outside.

Central recuperators – for single-family homes

Lossnay VL-250/350/500 CZPVU vertical recuperation centers are characterized primarily by very quiet operation. It is ensured by the special design of the fan and the possibility of variable control of airflow directly from the unit controller. The units are equipped with three sealed filter pockets so that contaminants cannot get past it through leaks between the filter frames and the unit.

Optional PM2.5 and NOx particle filters provide maximum protection against the introduction of air pollutants into the building. The units meet the requirements of the „Czyste Powietrze” subsidy program.

For more information, visit the company's MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce page on the A&B portal.