The new face of wainscoting

15 of September '23
w skrócie
  1. Wainscoting is a decorative finishing technique that involves covering walls with wooden or wood-like panels.
  2. Typically, wainscoting consists of elongated slats.
  3. Traditionally, wainscoting is made of wood, but there are also alternatives.
  4. Panels of wainscoting can also be made of MDF, plastic that imitates wood, or even stone or ceramic tiles.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

Wainscoting is returning to favor. Like many other trends from the past, it is taking on a new, altered form.

Boazeria ponownie wraca do naszych domów

Wainscoting is returning to our homes

© Dekoral

What is wainscoting?

Wainscoting is a decorative finishing technique. It involves covering the walls with wooden or wood-like panels that give the interior an elegant look. Typically, wainscoting consists of elongated slats that are assembled in such a way as to form regular patterns, such as rectangular or square panels. Nowadays, however, you can find boards on the walls in various formats, configurations and colors.

Boazeria może być wykonana z drewna dębu, jesionu, orzechu, sosny, mahoniowca, czy wiązu Tradycyjnie boazeria wykonana jest z drewna

Traditionally, wainscoting is made of wood

Photo: ONI Studio

What is wainscoting made of?

Wainscoting can be created from a variety of materials. Traditionally, it is created from wood, but there are also alternatives. Here are some of the materials used to make wainscoting:


Wainscoting is traditionally made from real wood, such as oak, ash, walnut, pine, mahogany, or elm. This material is widely used in interiors, as it is durable and gives the room a warm, natural look. Thus, the form of elongated planks is an interesting variety among the use of wood in arrangements.


MDF is a wood-like material made from wood fibers, resins and glue. It is more affordable than real wood and can be molded into various shapes and patterns. MDF is often used for wainscoting because of its smooth surface and ease of processing.

Boazeria może być wykonana z innych materiałów niż tradycyjne drewno

Wainscoting can be made from materials other than traditional wood

© PURA design


On the market, there are also wainscoting panels made of plastics that mimic the look of wood. These materials are usually lighter and easier to install than wood or MDF. They are also resistant to moisture, making them suitable for rooms such as bathrooms and kitchens.

Stone or tiles

In some projects we can also find paneling made of stone or ceramic tiles. This is an unusual solution that can give the interior a unique character.

Boazeria może w ciekawy sposób urozmaicić wnętrze

Wainscoting can add interesting variety to the interior

Photo: Stanisław Zajączkowski

How to renew wainscoting?

A great way to quickly renew wainscoting is to paint it. After all, wainscoting can be painted in different colors or left in the natural appearance of the wood. This allows you to adapt its appearance to many interiors. When painting wainscoting, it is important to choose a paint designed for a specific type of material and follow the manufacturer's instructions for surface preparation and painting. Also, do not forget to ensure adequate ventilation in the room during painting. Before painting wooden paneling, sand the material and apply a primer to achieve an even and durable paint coverage. You can also add moldings, friezes, grooves or other decorative elements to give the paneling a unique look.

Starą boazerię możesz łatwo odnowić malując ją na ciekawy kolor

You can easily renew old paneling by painting it in an interesting color

Photo: Hanna Połczyńska / © bo/sko

What is English wainscoting?

English wainscoting, also known as paneling, is a traditional interior finishing technique that is characteristic of British and Anglo-Saxon architectural styles. This form of decoration involves covering the lower part of the wall with panels or wooden slats, usually up to half the height of the wall. Its upper part is usually left painted or decorated with wallpaper.

Boazeria angielska pokrywa wyłącznie dolną część ściany

English wainscoting covers only the lower part of the wall

Photo: ONI Studio © The Line Studio

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more wall paneling tips for you!


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