A future built in wood

Burkietowicz Group is engaged in the production of prefabricated wooden structures. We provide a comprehensive service - from consulting, design, production, transportation and installation. We strive to change the way people think about wood, appreciate and choose it as a material that is a more attractive, healthier and environmentally friendly alternative to masonry technologies.

Development in wood

In the real estate market, you can see a growing interest in building technologies that use wood. We are looking for solutions that are environmentally friendly, but also economically competitive. Prefabrication pays off both economically and environmentally. Development in wood is the right path for us and our partners. Nowadays, when the cost of maintaining buildings is getting higher every year, it is worth thinking carefully about which technology to build a house or other structure. Timber-frame building technology is not as popular in Poland as in some countries, but it is gaining popularity every year. Investors are more often opting for prefabricated buildings, which have a timber-frame structure and their elements are made in a factory.

Dom wykonany w technologii szkieletu drewnianego

A house made using timber frame technology

© Burkietowicz Group


It's no secret that repeatability results in a better quality product. Prefabrication is not a novelty. We have been dealing with it since as soon as construction was industrialized. Objects built using timber frame technology, have a number of advantages. Wooden structures are stable and durable. Protected with appropriate preparations, they provide protection against fire and insects. Interest in timber-frame construction, this applies not only to single-family buildings. Increasingly, it is possible to meet with high, multi-story residential buildings or public facilities, made in timber frame. Green construction is limited only by human imagination.

For timber-frame buildings, materials are used that have no harmful effects on the environment. Preparation of the building elements is carried out in a factory using modern technology and machinery. Such buildings are characterized by good insulation, so they lose energy more slowly. Energy consumption is minimal due to the use of optimal technological solutions.

Wizualizacja nowej hali produkcyjnej prefabrykowanych  elementów dla budownictwa szkieletowego

Visualization of the new production hall of prefabricated elements for timber-frame buildings

© Burkietowicz Group

Durability of the building

For years there was uncertainty in people about timber frame buildings. Investors were primarily concerned about whether wood would be as durable as masonry and whether it would increase fire risks. Modern solutions dispel all doubts. Research in the field of building physics, ensures that the durability of a timber-frame building, is equal to that of a masonry building. Companies that deal with such solutions have a great deal of knowledge, which they are expanding all the time.

Sustainable construction

We are all aware that many building materials have a huge carbon footprint. It is necessary to strive to replace these products with greener ones. The construction industry is undergoing a very big modernization. Prefabrication offers more opportunities compared to traditional construction. Wood, from which the Burkietowicz Group produces its structures, is an extremely environmentally friendly building material - it has no equal. This material is certainly the future of construction.

Energy-efficient timber-frame houses must be designed and constructed with extreme care and precision. The priority is to pay attention to thermal insulation, which directly affects the energy efficiency of the house. Energy-efficient frame houses heat up much faster than their masonry counterparts. With properly installed insulation, energy consumption costs are lower. Climate protection is becoming a global priority, which is influencing the tightening of energy-efficient building regulations.

Specjalistyczne procesy prefabrykacji więźby tradycyjnej

Specialized prefabrication processes for traditional trusses

© Burkietowicz Group

Energy efficiency is the result of the cooperation of many building elements, which should be taken into account at the design and planning stage. The correct orientation of the building with respect to the world's sides and the arrangement of the rooms are important. In addition, the size of windows and insulation and ventilation are not without significance. Construction is an investment for years. It is worth remembering that betting on energy efficiency will bring tangible benefits in the years to come.

New chapter

Every day we provide our Partners with a comprehensive service and product in the form of wooden prefabricated: frame walls, roof trusses and traditional trusses. Production on an even larger scale will begin soon. Another production hall is currently under construction - a new chapter in the history of the Burkietowicz Group. It is more than 1,800 m2 of production and warehouse space, where we will realize prefabricated elements for wooden construction. We invite you to contact us - our experts will answer all your questions.

Prefabrykacja wiązarów dachowych na hali produkcyjnej

Prefabrication of roof trusses in the production hall

© Burkietowicz Group

For more information, visit the company's Grupa Burkietowicz page on the PdD portal.


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Quiz: Czy znasz style wystroju wnętrz?


Który styl wystroju wnętrz charakteryzuje się prostotą, minimalizmem i funkcjonalnością?

Jasne wnętrze z minimalistycznym wyposażeniem Fot. Hutomo Abrianto © UNSPLASH
Jasne wnętrze z minimalistycznym wyposażeniem Fot. Hutomo Abrianto © UNSPLASH

Pytanie 1