Blinds - much more than just decoration

30 of October '23

Roller blinds for roof windows are now an undeniable window accessory. The aesthetics of the finish, color and light control all make us more and more conscious in choosing window accessories. Of course, when looking for the right product, we do not forget about their basic functions, which are light control and privacy protection.

Precise light control

FAKRO interior roller shutters allow you to control the light coming into the room. All thanks to the side guides that allow you to stop the blind in any position. Thus, we can gradually reduce the inflow of light, up to its darkening. In addition, using the structure of the blinds and color, we can create a unique atmosphere in the room using the play of light. This will add depth to the interior, and the created atmosphere will be unique.

Matching the style of the interior

The multitude of colors, patterns and structures means that we can emphasize the character of any interior. Minimalist, classic, or maybe boho? Each will be reflected in the offer of FAKRO roller blinds. Pastel colors, especially shades of beige or gray will perfectly compose with interiors of subdued colors. While strong colors will complement the industrial style. However, not the color alone will be the basis of choice here, the material from which the blinds are made is also important. A uniform texture, a smooth material, or a charming pleat - every detail matters.

Rolety do okien dachowych mogą być źródłem inspiracji wystroju naszego poddasza

Roller shutters for roof windows can be a source of inspiration for the design of our attic


Why you should buy original FAKRO roller shutters?

FAKRO roller shutters were designed with roof windows in mind, so they will easily complement your roof woodwork. Ease of model selection and installation, is another advantage. You don't need to take complicated measurements of your window, you just need to read the rating plate located on its frame. Thanks to the perfect fit, you can be sure that during installation you won't damage the glass or any structural elements (e.g. reinforcements inside the profiles), which could negatively affect the warranty given to the window.

In line with the GO GREEN philosophy, FAKRO also cares about the environment, so the roller shutters meet all legally required standards. In addition, ARF and APF models partially reduce the degree of heating in the room in summer. Thus, the blinds are not only safe, but also environmentally friendly. High quality is one of the most distinctive features of FAKRO products. Therefore, buying dedicated roller shutters for roof windows, you can be sure that they will serve for many years.

Roleta ARF wykonana jest z eleganckiego, dekoracyjnego materiału, który nie przepuszcza światła

The ARF roller shutter is made of an elegant, decorative material that does not let the light through


Everything has its time

Replacing roller blinds is a very individual matter and depends on many factors. Most often we decide to replace them when they are damaged or we want to change the interior design.

FAKRO window blinds are very durable and can easily function for many years. However, constant exposure to the sun, the way they are used and the type of room they are installed in will affect their wear and tear. Just as you take care of your windows, it is important to take care of your blinds. Light-transmitting fabrics will fade slightly faster compared to light-impermeable fabrics. Roller blinds used in rooms with high humidity, due to harsh working conditions, may also need to be replaced a little sooner than others. At the very least, how we operate a given roller blind will matter.

System top-down zastosowany w roletach FAKRO zapewnia swobodną obsługę za pomocą górnej lub dolnej belki

The top-down system used in FAKRO roller shutters provides free operation using the top or bottom bar


The first signal to replace the blinds will be the fading of the fabric or the appearance of dirt that is difficult to remove. Another, the appearance of defects resulting from operation. You should then consider whether investing in the repair of the roller shutter is justified, or whether it would be better to buy a new one. In this regard, it is best to call Customer Service (18 444 0 400), where dedicated consultants will answer all your burning questions and help you make a decision.

Increasingly, however, window accessories are being replaced when we want to match them with our new interior design. Following interior trends, FAKRO has created blinds in the most fashionable colors, including Pantone's color of the year. We don't forget about individual customer needs, so ARF Print blinds are available, which allow you to design a blind with your own graphics.

Rolety FAKRO dostępne są w kolorze roku Instytutu Panotne 2023 – viva magenta

FAKRO roller shutters are available in the color of the year of the Pantone Institute 2023 - viva magenta


Replace your old roller shutters with new ones and gain up to PLN 500

Now anyone wishing to refresh their interior by replacing shades can earn up to PLN 500 in reimbursement for the purchase of FAKRO accessories. Fill out the application form, send us photos before and after the change along with proof of purchase and enjoy your new FAKRO blinds at an even lower price.

Details, regarding the promotion, can be found in the regulations on the company's website.

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