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Let's get to know each other! A space for intergenerational integration.

11 of September '24
w skrócie
  1. Anna Maria Skotarek of the University of Arts in Poznań has proposed transforming a historic church in Wroclaw into a Center for Intergenerational Integration.
  2. The project combines contemporary architecture with historical heritage, preserving the church's structure as a "permanent ruin" with modern elements.
  3. The space includes various functions, such as a café, workshops, and social spaces, taking into account the needs of different age groups and the comfort of male and female users.
  4. Modern architectural elements and a bright structural frame harmonize with the historic church, creating a cohesive whole that attracts both tourists and the local community.

  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

Social relations, especially those between generations, play a key role in the functioning of any society. A {tag:studenci} from the University of Arts in Poznań, proposed transforming the ruins of a historic church located at 1 Żabia Ścieżka Street in Wrocław into a Center for Intergenerational Integration. Created under the supervision of Professor Piotr Machowiak, the project is a space conducive to creating and strengthening bonds between different age groups.


cross sections

© Anna Maria Skotarek

adaptation of a historic church

A key element of the project is the harmonious combination of contemporary architecture with the historical heritage of the building. The renovation and modernization works are aimed not only at restoring the existing substance, but also at integrating new, modern architectural elements. The project envisages preserving the structure of the church in the form of a "permanent ruin," which allows the historical value of the building to be combined with modern structural solutions.



© Anna Maria Skotarek

symbiosis of historical and modern architecture

One of the project's key assumptions is to use the Gothic star vault as a source of inspiration for modern architectural forms. The new structure, which includes a steel frame and a polycarbonate panel roof, will maximize natural light into the building's interiors. The side walls will be clad in glass, providing integrity with the environment and comfort for users and occupants.



© Anna Maria Skotarek

meeting social needs

Anna Maria Skotarek takes into account the diverse needs of users and occupants by adapting the functional and spatial layout of the building. The basement will include social and staff rooms, locker rooms and storerooms. The first floor will be transformed into a café and open meeting space, with an organic form of furniture to encourage integration. The café will be equipped with a bookcase with books and children's accessories, made of bent perforated metal. The top floor will be used for workshops that will bring together all age groups. Multifunctional tables and mobile easels will allow for art workshops and vernissages. A specially adapted elevator will enable comfortable movement between floors, and an additional attraction will be a viewing terrace at the top of the elevator shaft.



© Anna Maria Skotarek

preservation of historical character and modern compositions

The space for intergenerational integration preserves the historic character of the historic church, while introducing modern architectural elements in such a way as not to overwhelm the historic building, but to emphasize its value. The modern interiors and the light structural frame of the building complement the historic architecture, creating a cohesive whole. The modern composition of the building was inspired, among other things, by historic church structures, so that despite its monumentality it creates a coherent whole with the original architecture.



© Anna Maria Skotarek

The deliberate futuristic appearance of the entire space, as well as the renovated historic church building, are expected to attract visitors of all ages, both tourists and tourists, as well as the local community, with their unconventionality.



© Anna Maria Skotarek

Aleksandra Skorupa

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