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"We need to start building the role of the architect from the ground up" - Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka, president of SARP Radom

22 of August '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for the new authorities for the 2024-2028 term [RESULTS]. We bring you up to date on the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Society of Polish Architects, and we ask them about contemporary challenges facing architects and architects. Today, Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka, president of the SARP Radom Branch, answered our questions.

SARP Radom Branch

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka: I think the primary issue that SARP should address is its image its recognition as a modern, collaborative organization. This is mainly what I would like to focus on.

We have many plans to organize various architectural activities. As SARP, we want to involve residents in the debate about the development and future of our city, its spatial order. For the coming months, we are planning meetings with local government officials, organizations operating in our city, and the residents themselves. My dream is to activate the community to talk about creative, visually good and quality architecture, and at the same time providing for the original needs of the residents, creating a friendly common space. The profession of an architect, and at the same time a member of SARP, obliges.

As an Association, we would like to start a series of workshops and trainings related to the profession. This is a great opportunity to exchange experiences, analyze difficult issues, and above all, a chance to integrate the entire community. We are currently cooperating with the Mazovian Center for Contemporary Art "Elektrownia" in Radom and the Polish Sculpture Center in Oronsko, and together we have plans to organize exhibitions, events and debates related to the public space of our city.

The most important task for this term, however, is SARP's cooperation in organizing architectural competitions, which should be the basis for good architecture and public space.

I would also very much like to return to the awarding of the annual A.Pinno Award for creativity in architecture to architects affiliated with the SARP Radom Branch, for an object completed, put into use. I think this is a good opportunity to show investors and developers the direction of creating even better architecture.

An architect is a creative profession, but also technically difficult, so we need the opportunity for interaction and conversation. Therefore, we organize various team-building events, training trips and meetings. Beginning in September, we are returning with the series "Archiczwartki" — meetings about architecture. We also want to start a new cycle  "Meeting with an architect" at which our senior colleagues are willing to share their experience and knowledge with the younger generation.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka: Challenges of contemporary architects: modernity, expectations, development

In my opinion, when we chose the profession of architecture, we all consciously wanted to have an impact on shaping the surrounding space. Today, the biggest challenge for architecture and architects is to go beyond the pattern of thinking about modern architecture. In the age of modern technology, the architectural profession requires continuous improvement and adaptation to the dynamically changing market. Today's architects face daily inquiries about investments that would have been impossible just a few years ago. More and more people are investing, building and realizing world-class dreams, which is especially evident in local communities. Access to advanced materials, technologies and innovative design solutions is at our fingertips. Today, it is no longer enough to be a visionary and a creator. I think work in this profession is undergoing a transformation.

One of the biggest challenges facing today's architects is to meet the high expectations of investors, who, often with considerable financial resources, invest in modern houses and ultra-modern buildings. They are supposed not only to meet their needs, but also to be a showcase for their companies. They require ready-made, comprehensive design solutions that will immediately arouse their interest and evoke positive emotions, and we must meet these requirements. To do so, architects must continually invest in the development of their studios, in the latest graphics software, hardware and systems, and above all in themselves. Designing at the level of 20 years ago is no longer sufficient. Today, an architect must be able to present a concept that not only meets the client's expectations, but also triggers a faster heartbeat and a twinkle in the eye. This requires a broad vision and the ability to realize investors' dreams. As we meet with clients in our daily work, we can see that all of them are increasingly aware of their needs and expectations. Today, architects must be able to meet demands at the highest level.

Today's architectural profession is a constant challenge, but also a great satisfaction in realizing projects that fulfil the dreams of our investors and improve the quality of life in the community. In order to be successful, architects must be innovative, flexible and ready to continuously improve in order to always stay one step ahead of clients' expectations.

As architects, we are responsible for creating modern cities  the "Cities of the Future". We need to change the thinking about revitalization, reconstruction and reconstruction, to go into the future while knowing and respecting history. Creating a modern center, bringing life back to it, is a challenge we will have to meet. How we do it depends on us  the architects.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and how much are the dues?

Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka: Currently there are 57 members in SARP Radom Branch, and this number is still growing. Since September 2023, we have been able to accept 12 new young architects, which I also consider my personal success. The symbolic contribution is PLN 20 per month. Those who declare retirement status are exempt from paying dues. New members for the first 6 months as well, provided they actively engage in our initiatives and help organize them.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Katarzyna Wiosna-Osóbka: Observing the Association's activities and its role in the public space for several years, I think we need to start building the role of the architect from the ground up. Over the past few years, we have focused on the commercial side of our profession, somehow losing the identity of being in the privileged group of public trust professions. What we learned in college, what we dreamed of when we chose this profession, has gone by the wayside. SARP provides an opportunity to integrate architects to care and build the quality of our work, for a conversation about creativity in this profession, about the common goals and ideals that guided us when we chose this profession. SARP gives us the opportunity to touch "Architecture". We have the opportunity to work in the preparation of architectural competitions, to cooperate with organizations and companies in our industry, to integrate the community, but also to work together for the professional ethics of architects. Often locked in our studios, we don't have the opportunity to talk and analyze difficult issues or solutions. SARP gives us this opportunity at joint meetings. I think that's why it's worth being a member of SARP in the first place  to take care of our profession together.

I share my energy for action, and I hope that during my four-year term of office, we will be able to restore SARP to its due prominence and recognition in the public space of Our City. We are on the right track!

 Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast

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