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Knauf Ceiling Solutions helps achieve better building environmental performance

11 of June '24

Environmental protection, human health, energy efficiency and technological innovation are the main reasons why architects and contractors are steering their choices toward sustainable products. The right choice of finishes also makes it possible to earn additional points in LEED and WELL Building Standard accreditation systems. An example of such solutions are the certified ceilings Knauf Ceiling Solutions used in Varso Tower, one of the most environmentally friendly high-rise buildings in Poland.

Located in the center of Warsaw, the 53-story Varso Tower is impressive in its construction and technical parameters. This skyscraper, the tallest in terms of architectural height in the European Union, has been awarded a BREEAM certificate at the Outstanding level, as well as a WELL pre-certificate with a Gold rating, which confirms the building's beneficial impact on the physical and mental form of its occupants. The project opted for solutions tailored specifically for this development. This was the case with Knauf Ceiling Solutions adorning a total of more than 80,000 square meters of space in the common areas and lobby. Among the metal and mineral ceiling systems installed are products that have been awarded the Cradle to Cradle certification, attesting to their compliance with the idea of a closed-loop economy. Also importantly, this certification adds points in the LEED and WELL Building Standard accreditation systems.

The high rating for Knauf Ceiling Solutions' products is due to their extensive possibilities for acoustics and design friendliness, as well as the use of raw materials from renewable sources for their production, as well as minimal emissions and design based on the idea of long-term use. Our ceiling systems are up to 82% recycled and are perfectly in line with the trend of sustainable development, combining modernity with care for the environment. - Sebastian Staniewicz, specification manager for Knauf Ceiling Solutions, said.

Metal Custom R-H 200 pozwala na ukrycie systemu zawieszenia nadając sufitowi monolityczny wygląd. Ustawienie płyt w jednej linii sprawia, że sufit jest łatwy w montażu i demontażu, a także zapewnia swobodny dostęp do przestrzeni powyżej.

Metal Custom R-H 200 allows to hide the suspension system giving the ceiling a monolithic appearance. The alignment of the tiles makes the ceiling easy to install and remove, and provides free access to the space above.

Photo: Szymon Polanski

In an era of growing environmental awareness, sustainable products that not only support ecology, but also open up almost unlimited design possibilities, are gaining in importance. This approach fits the needs of the Varso Tower project, where panels specially designed for the building had to be produced to achieve the final result. This required many months of close cooperation between architects and specialists from Knauf Ceiling Solutions. As a result, panels of various shapes and sizes were created. Only for the arrangement of the metal ceiling above the escalator, as many as 185 different variants of panels were used, thus creating a coherent and harmonious whole. The uniqueness of this project also lies in the combination of disparate systems, including vertical, modular and expanded metal panels. In addition, the building also made use of both metal and mineral ceilings, which hung in the office spaces on the upper floors.

Metalowe Baffle Metal V-P 500

Metal Baffle Metal V-P 500

Photo by Szymon Polanski

Indywidualnie zaprojektowane płyty sufitowe: Metal Custom R-H 200, perforacja: Rg2516, kolor: RAL9011

Custom designed ceiling tiles: Metal Custom R-H 200, perforation: Rg2516, color: RAL9011

Photo: Szymon Polanski

In the context of ecology, the durability of building materials is also important. This is because the selection of suitable ceiling systems that have a long life cycle eliminates the need to consume raw materials and energy necessary for the production of new elements. In addition, the modularity of Knauf Ceiling Solutions' suspended systems makes it possible to replace individual pieces, generating less waste and saving time on maintenance work.

Varso Tower's lobby is an excellent example of the application of these practices. The metal baffles adorning the place not only meet ecological guidelines, but also, thanks to perforations on the surface of the panels and the acoustic inserts used inside, effectively reduce reverberation, thus providing adequate acoustic comfort for users and visitors. In addition, to improve the visual effect, Knauf Ceiling Solutions uses a unique production method, during which powder paint is used after machining the panels, ensuring good coverage even on the bends.

Perforacja Rg2516 zastosowana na całej powierzchni paneli systemu R-H 200 oraz wkład akustyczny w jego wnętrzu zapewniają ograniczenie pogłosu i większy komfort akustyczny użytkowników.

The Rg2516 perforation used on the entire surface of the R-H 200 system's panels and the acoustic insert inside ensure reduced reverberation and greater acoustic comfort for users.

Photo by Szymon Polanski

Suspended ceilings are often used in office spaces, where they help eliminate unnecessary noise; this promotes concentration and the overall well-being of employees. In the common and office areas of the Varso Tower building, in addition to metal ceilings, acoustic mineral ceilings were used. Their combination with effective lighting creates a harmonious space conducive to productivity and employee well-being, which is extremely important in modern offices and commercial buildings.

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