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Zuzanna Slabik on studying at Brno University of Technology

15 of March '21

Zuzanna Woźniak (Słabik) tells about a semester spent at the Brno University of Technology. Hear what it's like to study architecture in the Czech Republic - including during the pandemic, how it differs from studying at the Warsaw University of Technology and what it has in common with it, and why it's worth living in a dormitory.

Zuzanna Slabik

Architecture student in her final year of graduate studies at Warsaw University of Technology. She also studied for one semester at Brno University of Technology during an Erasmus + exchange in the Czech Republic. For more than two years, she has been working at S.A.M.I Architects in Warsaw. In the coming years, she plans to develop her career and probably move to another country in Europe to gain more experience and improve as an architect.

scope of the podcast

Studying in Brno
Brno University of Technology vs Warsaw University of Technology
Contact with lecturers, atmosphere at the university
Green City Project
Student life
Science during the pandemic

From the podcast series titled: "All about education - the best universities".

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