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Work more comfortably

17 of January '22

Comfortable office work with Futuro

Back and headaches, stiff muscles, numb hands... After working in front of the computer for several hours, we often complain of these ailments. When they occur, we often find that rehabilitation and lifestyle changes are needed. Therefore, it is worth trying to prevent them from appearing. How? First of all, make sure the workplace is properly equipped.

Whether you work in a modern office building, a small business or a home office, taking care of the right workplace furnishings is just as important. To ensure that prolonged sedentary work does not adversely affect our health, it is necessary to take care of equipment tailored to our needs and ... the specificity of our body. The basis is, of course, the armchair - ergonomic, adjustable in terms of seat height and backrest position, adjusted to our height and weight... But not only it determines the maintenance of proper posture.
Equally important is the desk. It should be large, so that we can freely spread the necessary things on it and - what we often forget - rest our hands comfortably. It should also allow us to adjust the height of the top to our height. The optimal option is for it to allow us to freely adjust the position of the top according to our needs.
And this is what the Futuro electric rack by REJS makes possible.
- Futuro is a sturdy steel frame, to which you can attach a top made of wood or wood-based board with a maximum size of 1000×2000 mm. It allows height adjustment in the range of 625-1275 mm. This allows us to adjust the desk to a particular person, his height, but also his work habits and style. You can work at it in a standing position or sitting on a chair, a trestle or even a ball. Changing positions will literally take a moment, because Futuro allows you to remember 4 positions that suit you best. To select one, just press a button on the control panel and you're done," explains Joanna Posadzy, Marketing Director of the REJS brand.

U podstaw sukcesu REJS
leży: 30 lat doświadczenia, profesjonalna kadra, rodzinne wartości, nacisk na innowacje, a także perfekcyjna znajomość branży.

At the heart of REJS' success lies: 30 years of experience, professional staff, family values, emphasis on innovation, and perfect knowledge of the industry.


Order in the workplace

Futuro is not only the desk frame itself, but also a whole range of additional accessories, with the help of which you can organize and organize your work space to make it even more comfortable and ergonomic.
Arranging cables - and there is never a shortage of them around computers and laptops - is made easier by a special trough that can be fixed under the desk top. It will accommodate cables, as well as power strips, extension cords and chargers. In turn, the rack for the desktop computer main unit allows you to suspend it in a convenient place under the countertop at a height of your choice. Thanks to these solutions, maintaining cleanliness is much easier - all you have to do is wipe the floor, and the dust itself settles less on the equipment. In addition, the working person has more legroom.

Firma REJS jest jednym
z wiodących producentów i dystrybutorów akcesoriów i komponentów meblowych, działających na rynku polskim.

REJS is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of furniture accessories and components operating on the Polish market.


Work together or separately

In every office there are moments when we work as a team - we talk, consult, share ideas... There are also moments when we need peace, quiet and space to focus. How do you create the conditions that make both types of work possible? Thanks to Futuro, and it's very simple. Thanks to desk connectors, we can easily create a space for collaborative work. We can also attach acoustic boards or panels on the same connectors to demarcate the desks, thus creating a space for independent work. Importantly, regardless of the connectors and any panels, we can adjust the height of the top of each desk independently.
- Panels can also come in handy at home, when we can not allocate a separate room for home office, but only separate a corner in the bedroom or living room. Not only will they quiet the space, but we can also hang a calendar or current notes on them. - adds Joanna Posadzy.
Both the Futuro frame itself and all complementary accessories are available in three universal colors (white, black and silver). This allows us to fit them into both office spaces and home arrangements.

For more information, visit the company 'sREJS Spółka z o.o. page on theAiB portal.
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