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Students' vision of the space around the Kamienna Sluice in Gdansk

25 of June '24
w skrócie
  1. A student's vision for the space of the Kamienna Sluice in Gdansk by Aleksandra Szok, focusing on creating a sensory space that is accessible to everyone, will be on display at the Art'em All exhibition at the Plenum from July 5 to 28, 2024.
  2. The project responds to the problems of people with disabilities, especially architectural barriers, with the goal of creating an accessible space for everyone, taking into account sensory diversity.
  3. The project area is the so-called "small promontory" near the Stone Lock, a unique monument of hydraulic engineering and bastion fortifications dating back to the 17th century.
  4. The project envisages the creation of a neuropositive space that allows the full experience of nature, supporting relaxation and psychophysical health of residents.
  5. The project includes the construction of a canoe landing, the installation of acoustic panels for noise protection and the introduction of new plant species, with minimal interference with the natural environment.

  6. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

A {tag:studenci} from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk in the project "Sensory Journey: Concept of land development in the space of the Kamienna Sluice in Gdansk" focused on the area of the so-called small promontory. She wanted to create a sensory space, accessible to everyone, regardless of mobility or cognitive ability. Her work will be presented at the Art'em All exhibition at the Gdansk Plenum from July 5 to 28, 2024.

zdjęcie terenu

photo of the site

© Aleksandra Szok


Lack of social acceptance, isolation and difficulties in finding work are just a few of the problems faced by people with disabilities. Unfortunately, there are also architectural barriers that make it difficult or even impossible for them to fully participate in social and professional life. Removing these barriers is crucial to ensure equal access to social opportunities and resources for all. These reflections laid the foundation for the "sensory journey" concept .

droga projektowa

design path

© Aleksandra Szok

Sensory space is extremely important in the context of urban living. Stimulation of not only sight, but also the other senses - smell, taste, hearing and touch - is of great importance, especially for people who may have limitations in one of these areas. When designing public spaces, Alexandra Szok focuses on sensory diversity, allowing for a more balanced and accessible urban environment for all.

analiza przestrzeni

space analysis

© Aleksandra Szok



© Aleksandra Szok

design area

The project area is the so-called small promontory in the immediate vicinity of the Kamienna Lock in Gdansk. The headland, currently overgrown with dense vegetation, is a contrast to the geometric and grassy forms of the bastions. The Stone Sluice , built in the 17th century, is a unique monument of hydraulic engineering and bastion fortifications. Designed by the Dutchmen Wilhelm Jansen Benningen and Adrian Olbranten, it was used to regulate water levels, protect against floods and served a defensive function. Modernized in the 19th century, it suffered during World War II, but still serves its function.

plan sytuacyjny

location plan

© Aleksandra Szok

project goal

The goal of the project is to enable residents, including people with disabilities, to fully experience nature. By adjusting the infrastructure accordingly, an inclusive space will be created, allowing everyone to enjoy the surrounding environment. The project involves minimal interference with the current ecosystem and the addition of new plants to support water and air quality. Aiming to create a neuropositive place will enable peaceful recreation in nature, while providing conditions for relaxation and mental and physical health for all users.



Photo by Arkadiusz Staniszewski

"small cape"

The current lack of traffic continuity in the vicinity of the project area became the impetus for the idea of communicating the so-called " small promontory". The kayak mar ina planned here could exploit the potential of a variety of both water and land transportation. To prevent excessive noise coming from the busy Bridge Street, the project envisages the installation of acoustic panels. Design activities on the promontory, characterized by rich biodiversity, assume little interference with the natural environment. The introduction of new aquatic and terrestrial plant species will support the local ecosystem, increasing its diversity. As a result, the existing nature will be preserved, while the local flora will be strengthened. The newly designed forms, referring to the shape of former bastion fortifications, will emphasize the unique character of the site and ensure consistency with the surrounding landscape.


cross sections

© Aleksandra Szok

The concept was based on detailed observation and analysis of the selected site. It assumes the introduction of a canoe landing, a footbridge with resting places, a shelter, water gardens and the enlargement of a fruit orchard. An important aspect of the project is to support the local ecosystem. In addition, the project provides facilities for the blind and neuroatypical. The focus on naturotherapy for the health of residents is another important conceptual element. The realization of this idea could improve transportation and recreational infrastructure and positively impact the region's environment and heritage, creating a harmonious space accessible to all.

widok na strefę haptyczną

view of the haptic zone

© Aleksandra Szok

widok na wiatę

view of the shelter

© Aleksandra Szok

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