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Results of voting for the Audience Award—"Concrete Architecture 2024".

27 of November '24

Online voting for the Audience Award in the "Concrete Architecture 2024" competition, which recognizes the best theses using concrete, has ended. This nationwide event was organized by the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology in cooperation with the Association of Cement Manufacturers. 17 finalist projects took part in the voting. The highest number of votes (248) was received by the thesis "Branch of the Max Planck Institute in Rzeszow" by Martyna Delikat from the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology. Congratulations to the winner!

The "Concrete Architecture" competition has been held continuously since 2000. As the organizers emphasize, its idea was born out of the need to draw the attention of diploma and diploma students to the unique properties of concrete as a building material, which plays an important role in shaping architecture.

The competition is open to the graduation works of authors who received the degree of Master of Science in Architecture at Polish universities. The jury evaluates the projects in terms of their architectural value, taking into account both the aesthetic and structural qualities of the concrete used.

Out of 29 submitted works from 8 Faculties of Architecture, the jury consisting of Prof. Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak - dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology, chairman of the jury, Dr. Tatiana Misijuk, Prof. PB - dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Białystok University of Technology, Dr. Agata Gawlak, prof.PP - dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Poznan University of Technology, Tadeusz Bradecki, Ph.D., prof. PŚ - dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Silesian University of Technology, prof.Tomasz Kozlowski - commissioner of the competition and Zbigniew Pilch - director of marketing and public affairs of the Association of Cement Manufacturers nominated 17 people for the final of the competition. Four equal honorable mentions and three equal main prizes were awarded . You can learn the results of the competition on our portal (see: Results of the 25th edition of the Concrete Architecture competition for the best thesis using concrete).

voting results

In November this year. Architecture & Business gave a vote to its male and female readers, announcing a contest for the Audience Award. Male and female Internet users were able to vote for their favorite thesis project, out of 17 works admitted to the finals.

The winner was - Martyna Delikat

for her master's thesis "Branch of the Max Planck Institute in Rzeszow", made under the direction of Dr. Maciej Skaza at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology. The project received 248 votes. The author will receive a diploma and a one-year subscription to the monthly magazine "A&B".

Second place - Sanda Chodura

for the diploma project "Architecture as a therapeutic factor in the face of loss of a loved one. The design of a crematorium with columbaria and therapeutic gardens on the grounds of the former Dolomite Mine "Bobrowniki" in Tarnowskie Góry", made under the supervision of Dr. Jan Kubec at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology.

Third place - Damien Beaumont

for the project "Center for the Development of the Arts", made under the direction of Prof. Tomasz Kozlowski at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology.

The full results of the vote and all participating projects can be found in the article Choose the Audience Award in the competition for the best thesis using concrete .

Aleksandra Skorupa

The vote has already been cast