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Promoting art through architecture. Online lecture by Dr. Richard Nakonieczny

03 of September '20

Can the architecture of a museum affect the reception of the artworks on display in it? This Tuesday we invite you to an online lecture organized as part of the "ArchiLATO at the Carriage House" series. This time the topic of promoting art through architecture will be discussed, using the example of three museum buildings and their owners.

Izabela née Fleming Czartoryska and Pulawy, Heidi Weberand Zürich, and Grazyna Kulczyk and Susch - three exceptional women will be shown through the prism of an investor of an architectural object more than a patron of art and creator of a collection. The topic of consideration will be the type of strategy chosen by them to promote their own collections using building matter.

Dr. Ryszard Nakonieczny distinguishes four types of such relations:

First, museums were given the form of temples or palaces, which were supposed to ennoble and valorize the collector and his collections, arousing in the viewer awe, a substitute for worship and divine attentiveness. The next generation of museums, however, was desacralized, becoming merely neutral packaging without any interference with the collections' ideological program. Architecture was reduced to the role of an innocent background to the artifacts. The third generation developed a completely different approach, an active and somewhat narcissistic one, in which the architectural object began to usurp the new artifact of the collection, drawing attention primarily to itself and not to the art exhibited in it, which became, so to speak, a secondary element. The fourth type of museums is related to the expansion of the interpretive concept of the exhibit to include new factors of nature and culture, which are integral to the structure of the architectural object. These are museums that are created mainly in adapted buildings that did not previously have exhibition functions.

What role do the museum buildings of Pulawy, Zürich and Suschplay? Hasn't the position of the museum institution today been somewhat shaken by virtual reality, which is rapidly encroaching on its role? These questions will be answered by Dr. Ryszard Nakonieczny, architect and publicist, academic teacher at the Faculty of Architecture at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

The lecture will take place online on September 8 at 6 pm on the Wozownia Art Gallery channel.

elaborated. ed.

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