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Toprojekt, Nizio Design International and Archigrest. The 10th edition of FOPY promises to be great!

15 of October '24

FOPA 2024 (fall edition)

Broadcasts of the meetings will be available on our channels


Three days, three offices, three visions of architecture. Ahead of us is the autumn edition of the Festival of Open Architecture Studios, an event that has been accompanying the International Value Economy Congress Open Eyes Economy Summit for years (November 19-20). Which studios will we visit together?

Ahead of us is the tenth anniversary edition of FOPA, the Festival of Open Architectural Studios organized by A&B since 2018. FOPA is a unique opportunity to take a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the best design studios in Poland and around the world, learn the secrets of the architects and architects who work in them, and ask about their perspective on the profession. All meetings will be broadcast live on A&B's YouTube channel and Facebook page.

This time we will visit the offices in Rybnik and Warsaw:

November 18, 1 pm

"When we need to, we use brick, which has been known for millennia, and parametrically designed panels elsewhere," Toprojekt architects write about themselves. This philosophy is expressed in the projects and realizations of the Rybnik-based team, such as the Mies van der Rohe Award-nominated Ore House or the kindergarten in Zory, or the competition-winning designs for the new main railway station in Częstochowa and the headquarters of the County Office in Toruń. The family team of architects, founded by Marek and Joanna Wawrzyniak, is complemented by Sheri (a female barn owl, in the studio dealing with security) and Boris (a therapy cat, he devotes his free time to waste management).

Przedszkole w Żorach

Zory kindergarten

Photo: Wojciech Bęczarski | Illustrations courtesy of Toprojekt studio

Nizio Design International
November 21, 1 pm

The Nizio Design International office specializes in designing the country's most important museums, including the award-winning Mausoleum of Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Mich niów, the Ulma Family Museum in Markowa, and exhibitions - including displays at the Warsaw Uprising Museum and the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Miroslaw Nizio 's Warsaw office, which has been operating since 2002, is appreciated and awarded both at home and abroad. Interestingly, the studio's headquarters is located at 3 Inżynierska Street in Warsaw's Praga Północ district, in a legendary complex of tenement houses that are symbols of artistic bohemia. I wonder what secrets of this location we will discover during FOPY!

Mauzoleum Martyrologii Wsi Polskich w Michniowie

Mausoleum of Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów

Photo: Marcin Czechowicz | Illustrations courtesy of the studio Nizio Design International

November 22, 1 pm

Marcin Maraszek and Maciej Kaufman have been working together since 2008, and as Archigrest since 2015, that is, since winning the Europan international competition. This event gave rise to further successes - they are on everyone's tongues primarily thanks to the groundbreaking realization of the park under the Warsaw Uprising Mound, the "Storm" Action Park in Warsaw, which they created together with the topoScape studio. The architects are eager to engage in workshops, research projects and educational activities, and successfully compete in design competitions.

Park Akcji „Burza” w Warszawie

"Storm" action park in Warsaw

Photo: Michal Szlaga | Illustrations courtesy of Archigrest studio.


The Festival of Open Architectural Studios is an excellent opportunity to see from behind the scenes what happens every day in architectural offices and personally ask the architects and architects who work in them about issues of interest to our profession. We invite you to the autumn edition of FOPY and the International Congress on Value Economics Open Eyes Economy Summit. See you there!


SARP Krakow Branch

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