Ideas for a modern decorative ceiling

The ceiling does not have to be boring! On the contrary, a well-designed decorative ceiling will be an interesting addition to any room. Suspended ceilings can create spectacular structures. You can admire them in modern interiors of hotels, restaurants and carefully designed banquet halls. Did you know that many of these ideas can be implemented in your own home? Decorative ceilings in everyday rooms are now firmly on trend, so manufacturers and architects are outdoing themselves with creative solutions. Check out your options!

Suspended ceiling with LED lighting: elegance and an array of additional features

Are you considering installing a suspended ceiling structure? It's a great idea if you want to create something original overhead, but also if you need to hide building imperfections. Building up the upper part of the room is a real lifesaver when the not very aesthetic ceiling of the building scares you with uneven surfaces, unwanted holes or electrical wires. Elegant and aesthetically pleasing drywall is like a clean slate for the room: it creates endless possibilities.

What else you need to know about the suspended ceiling?

  • its construction consists of a supporting frame and panels or boards of various materials: plasterboard, metal, wood or acoustic panels,

  • suspended ceilings with acoustic panels effectively soundproof the room and reduce echoes,

  • suspended ceiling with LED lighting panel gives you the ability to control the amount of light throughout the interior,

  • installation of gypsum board is an ideal way to lower a room that is too high,

  • thanks to a variety of forms, textures and colors, you can design a decorative ceiling to suit any style.

You can expect the most spectacular designs from suspended elements in modern public edifices. However, also domestic rooms with a much smaller area allow you to achieve interesting effects. Suspended ceiling tiles are a material from which you can conjure up a different, original finish for any room in the house. It's also a great way to achieve a three-dimensional structure that will enliven and fill a quiet family living room.

Sufit podwieszany pozwoli Ci stworzyć niepowtarzalną konstrukcją w każdym stylu. Zdecyduj się na oświetlenie LED, aby dowolnie sterować ilością światła

A suspended ceiling will allow you to create a unique structure in any style. Opt for LED lighting to control the amount of light.

Photo by Huy Nguyen © Unsplash

A stretch ceiling - a spectacular membrane overhead

Innovative technology allows us to move away from traditional thinking about ceilings. Today, a modern ceiling can be a kind of tent made of textile membrane, stretched over the heads of householders. Stretch ceiling, as it is referred to, is still a novelty in the interior design industry, but thanks to its remarkable advantages, it is making waves in modern homes.

Stretch ceiling is a type of ceiling, made of PVC membrane or textile fabric. It is attached to special profiles and stretched, creating a smooth and taut surface. This is an innovative variation of suspended ceilings, which gives even more possibilities for interior decoration and design. It turns out that this form of ceiling also has many practical advantages: it is non-flammable, easy to clean, and simple to install and relatively inexpensive. Suspended membranes can also be an excellent carrier of lighting, which disperses evenly, creating a unique atmosphere.

Decorative concrete ceiling - in what room will it work?

Raw concrete is still a fashionable and popular wall decoration, but the ceiling in this style can be a real cheery on top. In what interiors will the concrete ceiling look best? In those that it will not overwhelm with its raw form. It will be an excellent decorative element in a spacious loft or industrial living room.

To achieve the effect of concrete slabs, all you need to do is to use decorative plaster and the appropriate puttying technique. If you are worried that the raw gray will deprive the room of its coziness, opt for warm lighting and wooden design elements.

W jakich pomieszczeniach betonowy strop będzie wyglądał najlepiej? To idealne wykończenie przestronnych loftów i nowoczesnych wnętrz z dużą ilością ciepłych dodatków

In what rooms will a concrete ceiling look best? It's the perfect finish for spacious lofts and modern interiors with lots of warm accessories

Photo: Sidekix Media © Unsplash

Wooden decorative ceiling - always on trend

It is impossible to overlook wood as a material that can be an excellent ceiling decoration. Wood will never go out of fashion! Creating a ceiling from wooden panels, aged boards, or rafters is an investment for years, regardless of changing trends. A ceiling made of this natural material can complement a rustic interior, it also goes well with Scandinavian or even industrial style.

Equally interesting idea are panels, which even deceptively resemble wooden planks, and at the same time are lightweight, easy to install and definitely cheaper. If you have unused material left after lining the floor, a skilled professional will conjure from it a coherent and elegant ceiling development. Such a structure can be illuminated in any way you like, whether installing hidden LED lighting or opting for striking lamps. Wood accompanied by warm light is a sure recipe for a cozy interior!

Drewno nigdy nie wyjdzie w mody! Drewniany sufit świetnie komponuje się z każdym stylem i jest trwałą inwestycją na lata

Wood will never go out of fashion! Wooden ceiling goes well with any style and is a lasting investment for years to come

Photo Clay Banks © Unsplash

Stucco: simple installation, unique effect

A beautiful ceiling does not need to be covered at all. You can create a decorative border for it in the form of stucco, which will emphasize the elegance of carefully crafted drywall. This type of decoration immediately brings to mind the interiors of aristocratic mansions and townhouses of several hundred years ago. However, modern trends take handfuls of such inspirations! Subtle drywall is a popular decorative element in fashionable interiors arranged in a retro style.

If you have a good hand for finishing work and a bit of manual skills, you can make this striking decoration yourself. Its installation involves gluing strips to the ceiling, made of plaster, wood or polyurethane. A useful tip: a wide strip can also be a grille, behind which you will hide an unattractive curtain rod on the window line.

Of course, the execution of stucco must be preceded by a thorough design and careful preparation of the ceiling surface. Decorative moldings are usually installed on lines parallel to the walls of the room, but if you plan to hang a particularly beautiful chandelier, you can create a rosette for it in the central part of the room. In fact, you are only limited by your imagination! The final step is to paint the glued elements together with the entire surface of the ceiling, so that they melt into a cohesive whole.

Subtelna sztukatura to modny motyw dekoracyjny w wielu współczesnych wnętrzach. Jeśli lubisz prace wykończeniowe, może zaprojektować i wykonać ją samodzielnie.

Subtle stucco is a fashionable decorative motif in many contemporary interiors. If you like finishing work, you can design and make it yourself.

Photo by Toa Heftiba © Unsplash

Decorative ceiling in a starring role

Does the ceiling have to be white? No - that's already obvious. Let's take a look at some ways to make it the most distinctive element of the interior!

In many rooms, it's enough to introduce a strong color to make the whole thing original - why not on the ceiling? A perfect example of such a bold step is the project of Mateusz Czeczko, in which the retro style harmonizes beautifully with the dynamic arrangement. The red ceiling is intriguing and eye-catching, proving that with wall paint you can transform even the calmest space.

How about wallpaper? Placing it on the ceiling requires some effort, but the effect can be stunning and attract the attention of absolutely every guest. A beautiful wallpaper with a motif of cranes is an original decorative element of a living room with a dining room in a certain spacious house in Wieliczka. It's hard to take your eyes off it! Note, however, that dark wallpaper (and paint) can overwhelm small rooms. You can afford such a treatment in spacious interiors with plenty of natural light, keeping the walls and accessories light.

For the last inspiration, let's look at the retro kitchen, where the brick ceiling perfectly harmonizes with the classic interior design. Its cobblestone layout is characteristic of the rooms of a centuries-old tenement. Such things do not need to be covered up with suspended elements at all, on the contrary, raw brick can be the greatest decoration of the room. If you are not given to live in walls with history, remember that hand-formed brick will be perfect for a brick arrangement, with the help of which you can conjure up a unique atmosphere.

Sufit nie musi być biały! Mocny kolor na suficie przyciąga oko, ożywia wnętrze i nadaje mu niepowtarzalny charakter.

The ceiling does not have to be white! A strong color on the ceiling attracts the eye, enlivens the interior and gives it a unique character.

Photo Marapuskas © FreeImages

We hope this review will help you look at the ceiling as a blank sheet of paper. Will you admit that the possibilities of filling it are simply endless? Get inspired by our suggestions and create a ceiling that will make your interior stand out!

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more ceiling inspiration for you!



Quiz: Kolory we wnętrzach

Quiz: Kolory we wnętrzach


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Użyj tego koloru, aby wnętrze wyglądało przestronniej Fot. Hutomo Abrianto © UNSPLASH

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