Dawid Podsiadlo designed ceramics

25 of September '23
w skrócie
  1. Malwina Konopacka and Dawid Podsiadlo have created a limited collection of ceramics.
  2. The artists have previously collaborated to create plates, which were used on the cover of the single "Post" and posters promoting the "PostProduction Tour."
  3. The KONOPACKA x PODSIADŁO collection is divided into two parts.
  4. All items are encircled with motifs related to the PostProduction tour and quotes from the "Twenties Years" album.
  5. More interesting information can be found on the main page of the PdD portal

KONOPACKA x PODSIADŁO is a limited edition of ceramics, where design and music mix.



© Fair of Fine Things

The collection is a combination of ceramic designs by Malwina Konopacka with textual and visual motifs alluding to songs by Dawid Podsiadło. Drop is divided into two parts. The first one is more casual, expressive and full of strong colors. The second - more subtle, decorated with quotes from the artist's recent songs.

Wszystkie przedmioty okraszone są motywami związanymi z trasą oraz cytatami z płyty Podsiadło

All items are encircled with motifs related to the tour and quotes from Podsiadlo's album

© Targi Rzeczy Ładnych

Malwina Konopacka and Dawid Podsiadlo have already worked together, creating plates that were used on the cover of the single "Post" and posters promoting the "PostProduction Tour." Until now, the ceramics were only available for auction to support the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. The set created from more than 50 pieces was sold for PLN 71,700.

All items from the new collection are encircled with motifs related to the PostProduction tour and quotes from the "Twenties Years" album . The premiere of the limited-edition ceramics took place at the last edition of the Fair of Nice Things. However, the singer declares that preparations are underway for the possibility of ordering the collection online. Prices range from PLN 50 for a thimble to PLN 7777 for a lux set.

Drop dzieli się na dwie części. Pierwsza jest bardziej wyrazista, druga spokojniejsza

Drop is divided into two parts. The first is more expressive, while the second is quieter

© Fair of Nice Things

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