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HARDSCAPE AWARD competition for innovative concrete products in landscape architecture

04 of December '20


Semmelrock stein+design Sp. z o.o. is organizing the second edition of the HARDSCAPE AWARD competition, making it possible to recognize the most interesting, completed and conceptual projects of contemporary landscape architecture in Poland.

competition for landscape architects

The HARDSCAPE AWARD competition is open to authors of finished realizations, design concepts without realizations and ideas for innovative concrete products. The main categories include realizations of public and private spaces.

categories of the HARDSCAPE AWARD competition

The additional categories of project without realization and concrete product concept are an opportunity for beginners and experienced authors of unique projects and ideas that have not been realized so far. It is also an opportunity for architecture students to present their creative ideas.

Deadline for submission of works: February 7, 2021, 4 pm.

For more information, visit the organizer's page SEMMELROCK STEIN+DESIGN Sp. z o.o. on the A&B portal and the HARDSCAPE AWARD competition page.

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