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The Great Pearl of Ceramics with Diamonds returns to Ceramika Paradyż!

16 of March '22

On Wednesday, March 16, in Warsaw's Dom Technika NOT, the ceremonial Gala of Winners of the EU Ceramics Pearls 2021 competition was held. As many as 17 statuettes, including the grand prize of the EU Ceramics Pearl with Diamonds, were awarded to Paradyż Ceramics. The awarded collections are distinguished by their design, which is in line with global trends, and their highest quality.

The EU Pearls of Ceramics competition has been organized since 2004 by the quarterly "Wokół Płytek Ceramicznych". CAD Projekt K&A is a partner of the competition, and the honorary patronage is held by the Association of Polish Architects. Its main goal is to promote products that stand out for their quality and unique design on the market.

In this edition of the competition, the large-format Monet Blue collection of the Paradyż My Way Monumental set was particularly appreciated, being awarded the EU Ceramics Pearl 2021 and the Designers' Ceramics Pearl 2021. The Cold Princess and Unique Lady collections inspired by the world of fashion from the Paradyż My Way by Gosia Baczynska set, and the innovative and elegant Nightwish from the Home of Light set, in turn, each received two statuettes: the EU Ceramics Pearl 2021 and the Distributors' Pearl 2021. One EU Ceramics Pearl 2021 statuette each went to other last year's implementations by the Polish manufacturer. Among them were the Fashion Spirit, Night Queen and Noisy Whisper collections designed by Gosia Baczynka, three collections of the Paradyż My Way Monumental set: Ritual, Desire, Invisible, and the Serene and Freedom collections from the Home of Light set.

Perły Ceramiki – gala laureatów

Pearls of Ceramics - gala of winners

© Ceramika Paradyż

The total number of winning statuettes translated into granting Paradyż Ceramics the main award - the EU 2021 Great Pearl of Ceramics with Diamonds. This highly prestigious award is given to the manufacturer whose ceramic tile collections have won the most nominations and awards. For Ceramika Paradyż, this is already the 13th Grand Pearl in the 18-year history of the competition.

We are extremely proud and happy that the Great Pearl of Ceramics with Diamonds has returned home to our Ceramika Paradyż after several years. The number of statuettes received in this year's edition is the culmination of the hard work of the entire team and a testament that our bold and completely new approach to industrial design and the entire design process was the mature and right choice. In the past year alone, we have successfully launched a number of great collections to the market, enjoying the appreciation of customers, business partners, design experts and interior designers and architects. All the awards we have received are not only a great satisfaction for us, but above all motivation for further work. We want and will continue to inspire with beauty

- Aldona Chudzicka, director of product development at Ceramika Paradyż, said.

The awards were received on behalf of the company by representatives of the design, sales and product category management teams, accompanied by Dr. Anna Tępińska-Marcinek, co-owner and board member of Ceramika Paradyż, and Piotr Tokarski, board president. Along with representatives of Ceramika Paradyż, also present at the gala was Gosia Baczyńska, a world-renowned fashion designer responsible for creating collections inspired by great fashion for Paradyż.

Press material Ceramika Paradyż Sp. z o.o.

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