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Adaptation of the palace in Targoszyn inspired by the work of Christian Dior

03 of July '24

A {tag:studenci} from the Faculty of Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, as part of her diploma thesis, proposed the adaptation of a palace in Targoszyn into a hotel and catering facility. The design goal was to restore the splendor of the building while combining its history with modern design.



© Joanna Grochowska

history of the palace in Targoszyn

The palace is located in the village of Targoszyn in Lower Silesia, Jawor County. The original building was founded by Karl Andreas Samuel Baron von Richthofen after 1765. Unfortunately, as a result of a fire in 1884, the building was severely damaged. The date of construction of the current palace is most often taken as 1897, since at that time the residence, which had existed since the second half of the eighteenth century, was completely rebuilt according to a design by architect Beck, commissioned by the last owner Baron Manfred von Richthofen.

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elevation view

© Joanna Grochowska

After World War II, the palace was taken over by the Soviet army, and in 1947 it was handed over to the Polish authorities. After this event, the building housed the offices of the Experimental Department of the Provincial Agricultural Progress Center. Over the years, the building underwent numerous renovations and conservation efforts. Unfortunately, in the 1990s the building was abandoned and numerous devastation activities took place there.

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elevation view

© Joanna Grochowska

In the following years, after the object was taken over by the management of the Mściwojów municipality, the mansion hosted periodic artistic events and workshops. Unfortunately, in 2016, after the building was completely abandoned and no restoration work was done, the palace 's condition began to deteriorate drastically. There was damage to the roof, and water pouring in began to cause damage to the ceilings. Currently, the building is under the care of the "Marysieńka" Foundation , whose goal is to restore the palace to its former glory once again. Currently, the building is undergoing repair and restoration work.



© Joanna Grochowska

project assumptions

The main design goal was to give the object a new function, so that the palace would once again become a place visited by people. When designing the functional layout, the key assumption was to adapt the facility to the requirements of a catering and hotel facility. It became crucial to design a well-functioning space, facilitating work and communication during its use. Particular emphasis was placed on the design of catering facilities. The assumptions of the project were subordinated to the idea of restoring the object to its former glory, while introducing modern solutions and equipment elements of current design into the interior.



© Joanna Grochowska

colors and inspirations

The color scheme taken from Christian Dior's design, from the1947 "New York" collection, became the basis for the color concept of the interior, maintained in shades of black and beige. In its form, it is an expression of elegance and femininity, which became the inspiration for the interior design. The use of patterns in the interior (wallpaper print), refers to wall painting, while emphasizing the historical character of the building. The project is a representation of an artistic vision, showing a way of looking at architecture in the context of a dialogue between past and present.



© Joanna Grochowska

Aleksandra Skorupa

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