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Swisspacer opens up to new sales markets

20 of June '24

The US construction industry is confident about the future in 2024. Sustainability, energy efficiency, sustainability and comprehensive government subsidies are key factors influencing the positive market situation. This creates an attractive outlook for European manufacturers, as building products from Europe have an excellent reputation, especially when it comes to quality. Swisspacer has responded to current needs and has opened a distribution center in New Jersey in close proximity to New York City.

High inflation, rising commodity prices and a shortage of skilled labor resulted in only moderate growth in the construction sector in the United States last year. However, government subsidy support worth about a billion euros and the implementation of additional tax incentives for investors could lead to a significant recovery in 2024. "The construction industry in the U.S. is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by technological advances and a growing emphasis on sustainability," - says Matthias Bach, CEO of warm-frame manufacturer Swisspacer.

Nowy magazyn Swisspacer w New Jersey

Swisspacer's new warehouse in New Jersey

© Swisspacer

US situation offers new opportunities for Europe

Energy efficiency is likely to become a key factor in sustainable construction in the US in the coming years. High initial investment costs can be offset by lower long-term life-cycle costs. Cost reductions can be achieved, for example, through the use of modern facades and energy-efficient systems. "We see energy-efficient and sustainable buildings becoming an important part of the US construction industry. There is a growing trend toward net-zero energy building standards in individual states. At the same time, building certifications such as LEED and BREEAM will continue to gain in importance," Matthias Bach argues. "Interest in and commitment to environmentally friendly building materials and products is clearly growing. This creates an excellent opportunity for European manufacturers of building products and materials to capitalize on the current trend."'

Nowy magazyn Swisspacer w New Jersey

Swisspacer's new warehouse in New Jersey

© Swisspacer

A key issue is to be thoroughly familiar with local building codes. The highest window requirements apply in the northeastern US and California. "The sizes and designs of window and door components also differ from our European standards," explains Matthias Bach. For example, small-format vertical sliding windows, rather than tilt-and-turn windows, are usually found in private residential buildings.

Nowy magazyn Swisspacer w New Jersey

Swisspacer's new warehouse in New Jersey

© Swisspacer

On-site warehouse ensures fast delivery

Economic uncertainty with raw material prices, energy prices and material availability is also having a significant impact on the US construction industry. "Local companies will adjust their business processes," predicts Matthias Bach. "They will make more flexible decisions and continuously optimize their design and procurement processes. That's why we decided to open our own warehouse locally. This means that we are close to the market and to our customers, and we can respond to short-term orders in a flash. In addition to high quality, an extensive product portfolio, aesthetics and sustainability, delivery reliability is a key factor in gaining market share in the US," explains Swisspacer's CEO.

Nowy magazyn Swisspacer w New Jersey

Swisspacer's new warehouse in New Jersey

© Swisspacer

Swisspacer's warehouse is located in Closter, New Jersey, near New York City. Swisspacer Advance, Ultimate and Ultimate Pro warm frames as well as muntins will be available locally, tailored to the requirements there. The warehouse is the first distribution center for Swisspacer products in North America, and warm frames were delivered from it to local customers for the first time in April. "With the distribution center, we are not only making our products available to the American market, but we also want to establish ourselves as a competent partner in the production of the most energy-efficient windows and facades," - Matthias Bach emphasizes.

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