In the wake of the Russian invasion targeting Ukraine, we are publishing statements from the President of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine, Alexander Chizhevskyi.
For all those ready to help Ukraine, we provide a list of foundations and institutions conducting aid(SEE HERE). Let's remember that every bit of support is important for our friends from Ukraine. We encourage you to support!
Polish version:
The National Union of Architects of Ukraine expects the UIA [International Union of Architects - translator's note] to strongly and unequivocally condemn the criminal actions of the Russian government, which has launched a large-scale war against Ukraine. Moreover, the tacit and passive position of the Unions of Architects of Russia and Belarus testifies to their support for the deadly war against humanity. We expected words of support and regret from our colleagues in Russia back in 2014, when their criminal state annexed Crimea and occupied Donbas in violation of all international law. But instead, a week after the annexation of Crimea, former UAR Chairman Andriy Bokov went there to recruit architects for the UAR. What's more, the General Assembly in Durban even elected him to the Council, and later, his successor Nikolai Shumakov. It seemed to everyone that this was a mistake. However, it is now apparent that it is not a mistake. Those who do not condemn Russia's actions are supporting them. They support a crime against all humanity, incompatible with the humanitarian goals of the UIA. We are convinced that the UIA must make a decision on Russia's membership. If we turn a blind eye to their passive stance, we are siding with an enemy that destroys human values. It is important to remember that the protection of human life, humanism and culture are the top priorities of the UIA. Let us demonstrate this in a strong and unequivocal manner. We demand that Russia be stripped of its membership in the UIA.
Alexander Chizhevsky, President of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine
English version:
The National Union of Architects of Ukraine expects the UIA (International Union of Architects - note) to strongly and unequivocally condemn the criminal actions of the Russian government, which has launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. In addition, the silent and passive position of the Unions of Architects of Russia and Belarus shows their support for the deadly war against humanity. We expected words of support and regret from Russia's colleagues back in 2014, when their criminal state annexed Crimea and occupied Donbas, violating all international law. However, instead, a week after the annexation of Crimea, former UAR President Andriy Bokov went there to recruit architects to join the UAR. Moreover, the GA in Durban even elected him to the Council, and later - his successor Nikolay Shumakov. It seemed to everyone that this was a mistake. However, now it is obvious that this is not a mistake. Those who do not condemn Russia's actions support them. They support a crime against all mankind, incompatible with UIA's humanitarian goals. We are convinced that the UIA must decide on Russia's membership. If we turn a blind eye to their passive position, we will also side with the enemy, with the destruction of human values. It is important to remember that protection of human lives, humanism and culture are UIA's top priorities. Let us demonstrate this decisively and unequivocally. We demand that Russia be deprived of its membership in the UIA.
Oleksandr Chyzhevsky, President of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine
Ukrainian version:
Національна спілка архітекторів України очікує від МСА рішучого і однозначного засудження злочинних дій уряду РФ, який розвяза повномасштабну війну проти України. Крім того, мовчазна і пасивна позиція Спілок архітекторів Росії і Білорусії свідчать про їх підтримку вбивчої війни проти людства. Ми очікували від колег Росії слів підтримки і покаяння ще в 2014 році, коли їх злочинна держава анексувала Крим і Донбас, порушивши всі закони міжнародного права. Проте замість цього тодішній президент САР Андрій Боков через тиждень після анексії Криму поїхав туди вербувати архітекторів вступати в САР. Більше того, ГА в Дурбані навіть обрала його в Раду, а потім його наступника М. Шумакова. Всім здавалося, що це якась помилка. Проте зараз очевидно, що це не помилка. Хто не засуджує дій Росії - той їх підтримує. Підтримує злочин проти всього людства, несумісний с гуманними цілями МСА. Ми певні, що МСА повинна визначитись з членством Росії. Якщо ми закриємо очі на їх пасивну позицію - ми теж станемо на бік ворога, на бік знищення гуманних цінностей. Пам'ятаємо, що захист людських життів, гуманізму, культури є основними пріоритетами МСА. Давайте продемонструємо це рішуче і однозначно Ми вимагаємо звільнити Росію від членства в МCA.
Олександр Чижевський, Президент Национальной ассоциации архитекторов Украиный