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Results of the 24th edition of the competition CONCRETE ARCHITECTURE - BRIDGE GAME - HOUSE IN A CITY LANDSCAPE.

12 of July '24

On July 2, 2024, we learned the results of the XXIV edition of the competition for male and female students of the second year of the 4th semester of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology: CONCRETE ARCHITECTURE - A GAME OF SOLIDS - A HOUSE IN AN URBAN LANDSCAPE. The competition is the result of cooperation: Department of Architectural Design of the Faculty of Architecture at the Cracow University of Technology and the Association of Cement Manufacturers.

Laureatka konkursu Kinga Czernek

Winner of the competition Kinga Czernek

Photo: J. Zych


The subject of the competition was a work depicting the design of a house using concrete. This year the competition jury included Prof. Tomasz Kozłowski, Prof. Justyna Kobylarczyk, Zbigniew Pilch, Dr. Anna Mielnik, Prof. Monika Gała-Walczowska, Dr. Marek Początko, Dr. Przemysław Biga, Dr. Grzegorz Twardowski, Piotr Stalony-Dobrzański and Wojciech Ciepucha.

Laureatka konkursu Ewelina Gryziecka

Winner of the competition Ewelina Gryziecka

Photo: J. Zych

The winners of the competition were Kinga Czernek, Ewelina Gryziecka and Anna Szerszeń. They received three equal prizes worth PLN 1000, funded by the Association of Cement Producers.

Laureatka konkursu Anna Szerszeń

Winner of the competition Anna Szerszeń

Photo: J. Zych

Kinga Czernek's project

The project, whose supervisor was Dr. Przemysław Bigaj, assumes the creation of a modern architectural object based on an innovative concept of the play of solids. The form was based on the concept of four cubes, where one of them was replaced by an irregular, contrasting solid. This irregularity not only adds dynamics to the project, but is also its distinguishing element.



© Kinga Czernek

Theplay of solids is clearly visible both in the form of the building and in its color scheme. The three cubes are covered with a gray shade of raw concrete, which symbolizes durability and simplicity. The irregular block, on the other hand, received a concrete facade in a shade of pink, which introduces an interesting color accent and emphasizes the modern character of the project.



© Kinga Czernek

Thearchitecture of the building harmoniously combines traditional and modern elements, which makes it fit into the urban context. At the same time, through appropriate spatial solutions, it provides the necessary privacy for residents. Integration with the environment has been achieved through a coherent composition of solids and a well-thought-out color scheme of the facade, which together create an aesthetic and functional whole.



© Kinga Czernek

designed by Ewelina Gryziecka

Ewelina Gryziecka created a design for a single-family building, integrated into the urban landscape with a distinctly modernist character. The work was created under the supervision of Dr. Gregory Twardowski. The concept is based on a dynamic symbiosis of two forms: a half-cylinder and a cuboid, which harmoniously combine to create a building with a unique shape.



© Ewelina Gryziecka

Reinforced concrete coffers provide both a decorative and practical solution. The structure complements the cylinder, and also partially covers the representative space of the building. In addition, the exposed reinforced concrete walls on the sides, asymmetrically placed and inverted with respect to each other, provide both protection for the garden and an architectural element, which also includes an accentuated red column. The cowl line gradually decreases in height, creating an interior for the exterior staircase and concrete water basin, which emphasizes the character of the building. Occurring gaps in the cowl design provide a play of light and shadow, creating a visual composition. The overall design fits perfectly into the postmodern trend, while providing a contrast to the surrounding, more classical urban architecture.



© Ewelina Gryziecka

In this project, the solids are interpreted as a dialogue between modernity and the surrounding architecture, creating a new context in the urban space. Light and shadow interact with the building form to create a composition. It is this interaction that gives the solids a dynamic character, which translates into harmonious integration into the surrounding urban space.


cross section

© Ewelina Gryziecka

design by Anna Szerszeń

The body of the building was designed to achieve the best possible development of the internal zone, while maintaining the aesthetic qualities of the facade. The composition consists of three identical cuboids with a square projection, set next to each other at equal intervals. They are connected by a single, thinner block, serving primarily a communicative function. In order to obtain an adequate usable area for the entire building, a cutout was made in the central block, in place of which a cylinder was inserted, contrasting in its roundness with the sharp edges of the other orthogonal forms. This solid was entirely adapted for vertical communication, in the form of a spiral staircase.



© Anna Szerszeń

The rooms have been distributed in such a way as to ensure the greatest possible comfort for potential users. The plot, on which the building is located, is located in an area covered by the local development plan, which limits the freedom in the distribution of the building - the building boundary line. The entrance to the plot is located on the north side. An important compositional element is an external, free-standing wall in the form of a broken line, located parallel to the building, on the north side. It is 3.3 meters high and forms a kind of partition, separating the building from the outside world. It is cut appropriately to provide pedestrian and vehicular communication within the plot.



© Anna Szerszeń

The lump of the building was the main point of reference for the designed surrounding space. The recreational zone in the developed area is divided into two parts - northern and southern. They are located on the corresponding sides of the building. They are identical and introduce an element of symmetry in the design. Each part contains a swimming pool and gazebo , respectively, as well as a paved area prepared for any development according to the user's needs. The plot contains a lot of biologically active areas and high greenery in the form of deciduous and coniferous trees, thanks to which the biodiversity of the area is preserved. The project was implemented under the supervision of Dr. Marek Początka.



© Anna Szerszeń

Honorable mentions in the competition were won by: Paulina Zając, Aleksandra Wilk, Anna Sater, Anna Topa, Magdalena Przywara, Julia Oświęcimska, Joanna Piwowar, Magdalena Madej, Małgorzata Łyko, Amelia Kwiecińska, Klaudia Łapińska, Nikoletta Kudroń, Joanna Kaminska, Maria Jakubczyk, Iga Dobosz, Zuzanna Dębska, Aleksandra Dobosz, Gabriela Burliga, Wiktoria Chechelska, Weronika Borek, Natalia Bednarz, Wiktoria Bielska, Agnieszka Bajan and Jakub Gorczyca.

The exhibition of student works can be seen in the building of the Faculty of Architecture of Cracow University of Technology at 24 Warszawska Street.

compiled by: Aleksandra Skorupa

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