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We know the winners of the People's Choice Award in the "WA PK Diploma of the Year 2023" competition.

06 of February '24

In December 2023, Krakow University of Technology officially awarded the students in the "Diploma of the Year" competition. At the end of the month, voting for the audience award began on the Architecture & Business website. Which work was chosen by internet users?

The "Diploma of the Year" award is given in categories: Architecture and Urban Planning, Urban Planning and Spatial Planning, Historic Preservation, Landscape Architecture and Special Award - Renewable Energy Sources. The results of the 2023 WA PK Diploma of the Year competition can be seen on the Architecture & Business portal.

At the same time, voting for the Audience Award took place from December 28 to February 4. The poll includes 22 projects that made it to the final round of the competition. All the nominated works can be viewed on our website - Choose the Public Award in the "Diploma of the Year 2023 WA PK" competition.

praca autorki otrzymała 659 głosów, co stanowiło odsetek 33% wszystkich oddanych głosów

The author's work received 659 votes, which was a percentage of 33% of all votes cast

© Klaudia Rożek

awarded thesis

The most votes were received by Klaudia Rożek 's master's thesis "Ciężkowice. A non-fossil city" created in the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban and Rural Design. The thesis was promoted by Dr. Piotr Langer. The author's work received 659 votes, which was a percentage of 33% of all votes cast.

praca Klaudii Rożek powstała w Katedrze Planowania Przestrzennego, Projektowania Urbanistycznego i Ruralistycznego

Klaudia Rożek's thesis was written in the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban and Rural Design

© Klaudia Rożek

The concept created by the student is based on developing the site of a former manor complex into a music center, as well as connecting it in an appropriate way with the immediate surroundings. The author focused on the assets of the small town of Ciężkowice and its surroundings located in the valley of the Biała River in the Małopolska voivodeship, pointing out other advantages of the place than the "Skamieniałe miasto" reserve. The concept tried to emphasize the urban, natural and cultural assets of the small town by creating infrastructure for the development of music tourism. Ciężkowice and its immediate surroundings were the cradle of outstanding Polish composers such as Ignacy Paderewski and Krzysztof Penderecki.

promotorem pracy był dr Piotr Langer

The thesis was supervised by Dr. Piotr Langer

© Klaudia Rożek

The project assumed the use of historic buildings and combining them with modern concert infrastructure, as well as small architecture can enhance the preservation and promotion of local cultural heritage. The concept also involves expanding the spa park, regulating the bed of the Biała River and developing it for recreational as well as cultural purposes. Thus, the concept appeals to several factors - cultural, recreational and natural - in an effort to show a face different from what has been seen so far.

autorka skupiła się na atutach niewielkiego miasta Ciężkowice i jego okolicy położonego w dolinie rzeki biała w województwie małopolskim

The author focused on the strengths of the small town of Ciężkowice and its surroundings located in the valley of the Biała river in the Małopolskie voivodeship.

© Klaudia Rożek

koncepcja starała się podkreślić atuty urbanistyczne, przyrodnicze i kulturowe

the concept tried to emphasize urban, natural and cultural assets

© Klaudia Rożek

Wiktor Bochenek

The vote has already been cast