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Project of Contemplative Center with Chapel in Gliczarow Górny

24 of May '22

{tag:studenci}, a graduate of the engineering studies in architecture at the Podhale State Vocational University in Nowy Targ, made the subject of his diploma thesis the design of a Contemplative Center with a Chapel, which could be built in Gliczarow Górny - a village located in the Tatra district. The proposal, the author says, is an attempt to create a place that would enable reflection and find spiritual balance.

Projekt Ośrodka Kontemplacyjnego z Kaplicą w Gliczarowie Górnym

Project of the Contemplation Center with Chapel and Rosary Garden

© Mateusz Furczoń

Mateusz Furczoń's work was done under the direction of Prof. Marek Kowicki.

Creating a project for a Contemplative Center with a Chapel in Gliczarowo Górne became my main inspiration to try to answer the question: how - and if possible, in what way - to find the time and place for a moment of reflection, finding oneself and one's inner "breath"? Choosing a location that corresponded to the project assumptions, I focused on maintaining traditions and forming a socio-regional identity within myself. The peaks of the mountains, due to their orientation towards the sky, were considered the abodes of God. The sloping terrain, the proximity to the sky, the exemplary illumination by sunlight are just a few aspects that make up the uniqueness of the location. The rustle of trees, grasses, sounds of nature and every other detail perceived from a completely different perspective, a perspective of reverie, contemplation become a reason to feel close to nature and its Creator Himself," Matthew introduces the project.

Projekt Ośrodka Kontemplacyjnego z Kaplicą w Gliczarowie Górnym, PZT

The premise was designed in Gliczarowo Górne

© Mateusz Furczoń

Chapel and spaces for contemplation

The main assumption of the graduate of the Podhale State Vocational University was to design an object that refers to the architectural traditions of the region, while using modern construction and material solutions that meet high contemporary standards.

Projekt Ośrodka Kontemplacyjnego, rzut parteru

first floor plan

© Mateusz Furczoń

The primary functional task set by the author was to combine two separate functions - a chapel and cells for contemplation. The surroundings of the designed establishment were covered with a network of paths shaping the terrain, oriented according to the directions of sunlight. The arrangement of the paths and their relationship are conducive to contemplation and relationship with God.

Despite the difficulties arising from the significant slope of the terrain, the designer took into account accessibility for people with disabilities - he used external ramps and ramps allowing access to all parts of the establishment.

Projekt Ośrodka Kontemplacyjnego z Kaplicą, elewacje

The tower creates a compositional dominant

© Mateusz Furczoń

reflection and tranquility

On the site, the author also proposed a Rosary Garden, conducive to work, prayer and contemplation. The garden consists of a rhythmic network of paths along with Stations of the Cross, prompting reflection. On the other hand, the designed zones of tranquility and the civic cloister will enable visitors to experience tranquility, seek spiritual balance and feel the atmosphere of prayer and reflection.

Kaplica w Gliczarowie Górnym

The author referred to the architecture of the region

© Mateusz Furczoń

The presence of the dominant feature, which is the tower located next to the building, affects the shape and visibility of the designed site from afar. Thanks to this, the site becomes a distinctive point on the map of Podhale. When designing the Contemplative Center with Chapel in Gliczarow Górny, I was guided not only by my skills, experience in the architectural and construction industry, but above all by spirituality," Mateusz Furczoń concludes.

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