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WIPER Sp. z o.o. is a manufacturer of shower drain systems and industrial drains used in bathrooms in homes and hotels, swimming pools, saunas, and in the Spa & Wellness industry. WIPER linear drains and inlets allow for convenient and customized arrangement of shower space.
The company is a leading Polish manufacturer of modern stainless steel architectural elements, regularly presenting its products at trade fairs at home and abroad. The company's products have been honored with many awards, both at trade fairs and in the trade press, by the votes of professionals and satisfied customers. The latest is the prestigious MTP Budma 2015 Gold Medal for the WIPER Elite gutter. Since 2010, Wiper has participated in the Rzetelna Firma program, in which it provides registration information, data on decision-makers and achieved achievements.
Thanks to the high quality of its products and large production capacity, Wiper has quickly become a leading manufacturer of linear and point drainage systems in Poland, starting as a local company quickly expanding the distribution and offer of its products throughout the country, and finally introducing them to foreign markets, including the UK, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia.