Your visions create our realizations

The selection of window and door joinery for the house is one of the most important stages shaping the later comfort of the residents, so it is worth choosing a supplier with extensive production experience, relying on modern technologies and offering interesting solutions with a guarantee of comprehensive service.


Cawit was established out of the expectations of the market, where difficult and unusual projects were becoming more and more common. Our team consists of people with many years of experience in the field of aluminum joinery. At each stage of the implementation we provide support to combine the vision of the architect and the expectations of investors with technological capabilities, so we are able to implement even the most daring projects.

Why aluminum?

Energy efficiency, safety, ease of use — this is what investors are looking for when choosing window and door joinery for their homes. In our offer we have woodwork suitable for any type of building and fitting into both modernist and traditional architecture. In search of solutions that are aesthetic but also practical and technically effective, it is worth reaching for aluminum structures. From their many numerous advantages we can distinguish:

- durability — aluminum allows the creation of large-sized structures while maintaining excellent statics
- comfort of use — despite the impressive size we retain the lightness and ease of use
- resistance to corrosion, moisture — this guarantees excellent quality and ease of maintenance for many years
- possibility of use in very demanding conditions, e.g. around seas, oceans, in swimming pool facilities thanks to coatings resistant to chemicals, salt
- thermal and acoustic comfort
- design — systems with narrow frames, concealed wings available in a wide range of RAL colors with the possibility of using fancy types of glazing
- wide range of accessories.


Large glazing with excellent thermal performance

Windows with large glazing create the illusion of more space, especially in smaller rooms. They make the interior appear more open and airy, and we can take full advantage of the incoming sunlight while achieving brighter and more spacious interiors. They also provide excellent views of the surroundings, which is a huge advantage especially for attractively located properties.

Currently available technological solutions make it possible to achieve excellent thermal and acoustic parameters while maintaining high aesthetics and lightness. So we do not have to look for compromises between functionality and the desired visual effect.


Timeless sliding systems gain a new form thanks to the abandonment of thresholds, providing a smooth boundary between the interior and exterior parts of the building. Terrace extensions allow us to use the full area of the house even in adverse weather conditions, thanks to the use of thermally insulated systems we can enjoy magnificent views in the summer as well as admire wonderful winter landscapes from the terrace.


More and more often we see winter gardens next to buildings , both luxurious ones, which can be arranged as, for example, a relaxation or swimming pool area, as well as more intimate ones — all completely tailored to the needs of the homeowner.

Aluminum joinery meets the high expectations of investors and innovative designs for modern times. We can help you match the perfect solution to any interior.

For more information, visit the company's CAWIT BP Sp. z o.o. page on the A&B portal.