Don't have a garden? That's not a problem! Turn your balcony into an urban garden

w skrócie
  1. A balcony garden is an excellent alternative for city dwellers.
  2. Planning a balcony garden should start with measuring the available space and choosing the right plants.
  3. Tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, strawberries, blueberries and aromatic herbs such as basil, mint and rosemary will do well in a balcony garden.
  4. Regular watering, proper fertilization and protection from pests are the basis of care, allowing you to enjoy healthy and lush plants throughout the season.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

Do you dream of having your own garden on your balcony, but don't know where to start? Whether you want to grow vegetables, fruits or herbs, the right choice of plants and proper care will make even the smallest space a green oasis. Learn practical tips and advice from gardening experts who will tell you how to arrange an urban balcony garden, which plants to choose and how to care for them. Find out how to create a functional and beautiful space full of greenery!

Why create a garden on the balcony?

Having your own garden on the balcony is an excellent alternative for people living in the city who do not have access to their own piece of greenery. Plants on the balcony not only improve the aesthetics of the space, but also have many health and environmental benefits. First, plants filter pollution and increase oxygen, improving air quality, which is especially important in cities. Green space also promotes relaxation and reduces stress. A balcony full of plants is an ideal place to relax. An urban garden can also provide us with our own vegetables and fruits. This not only gives us access to fresh produce, but also ensures that they have not been fertilized with inappropriate preparations, for example.

Ogród miejski to doskonałe rozwiązanie, jeśli nie masz własnego kawałka zieleni

An urban garden is an excellent solution if you don't have your own piece of greenery

© W. Legutko

Where to start with arranging a garden on the balcony?

Well, we already know what are the advantages of your own garden on the balcony. So how to create it?

- Start planning the garden by drawing a plan of the balcony (floor plan). Measure your balcony and transfer the dimensions to a piece of paper, preferably to scale. Such a plan will give you a better understanding of the available space and how you can use it effectively. Next, think about what plants you want to grow. Keep in mind the conditions your balcony offers - the amount of available sunlight, exposure to wind, or even where you live. The selection of suitable plants will depend on these factors," explains Joanna Legutko, a gardening consultant.

Northern and eastern balconies will work better for shade-loving plants, such as lettuce or mint. Strong winds can damage more delicate plants, so it is worth shielding the balcony with a net or pergola. If space is limited, it is worth using vertical structures such as hanging pots, shelves and trellises for climbing plants. The next step is to choose pots and containers. The advantages of ceramic and clay models are aesthetics and good permeability. At the same time, however, they are quite heavy. A lighter and more practical alternative are plastic pots. Balcony boxes, on the other hand, are ideal for growing herbs and vegetables. The right substrate is also important - all-purpose gardening soil will work in most cases, but for vegetables it is worth choosing a nutrient-rich substrate. For blueberries, an acidic soil will work best.

- If you don't have the time or experience to manage a garden, it's a good idea to start with a minimum plan. Start by sowing a few plants to understand what your capabilities and preferences are. Edible flowers are also worth considering. Pansies, daisies, forget-me-nots, carnations, geraniums, lavender or nasturtiums, in addition to their decorative value, can be a very impressive addition to dishes or drinks, the expert suggests.

Pamiętaj o dobraniu roślin zgodnie z warunkami panującymi na Twoim balkonie

Remember to select plants according to the conditions of your balcony

© Freepik

Green balcony

A balcony garden will add charm to the space and create a pleasant green space for relaxation. To begin with, choose the plant species you will use to create an urban garden. Pelargoniums, which bloom profusely throughout the summer and are resistant to changing weather conditions, will be perfect. Surfinias and petunias are other balcony flowers that delight with their intense colors and dangling stems, performing perfectly in hanging pots. On shadier balconies, begonias and fuchsias grow well, which do not require much sunlight, yet bloom for a long time. Lovers of elegance can opt for hydrangeas, which look very impressive in large pots. It's also worth thinking about climbing plants, such as ivy, clematis or wilt, which can provide a natural shelter from the sun and wind. For those who appreciate the exotic, an excellent choice will be potted palms or banana trees, which introduce a bit of tropical atmosphere.

Hortensja w eleganckiej doniczce będzie doskonałą ozdobą balkonu Miejski ogródek na balkonie pomoże Ci zredukować stres

Hydrangea in an elegant pot will be an excellent decoration for the balcony

© WestwingNow

Mini vegetable garden on the balcony

What vegetables are suitable for growing on the balcony?

- Various varieties of dwarf tomatoes are ideal for growing on the balcony. They bear fruit abundantly - one bush gives many tiny, sweet fruits that ripen gradually, thus providing a constant supply of fresh vegetables. Dwarf hot peppers can also be grown in small spaces. The harvested crop is suitable for eating on the fly or for drying or marinating to preserve supplies for the winter. Another species to consider are ground cucumbers. It is important to provide them with deep containers, preferably as deep as thirty centimeters, fertile soil and access to plenty of sun. Tuber seed potatoes grow easily in both containers and growing bags, so you can plant them even on an urban balcony, Joanna Legutko advises.

Radish is also a good choice. This is a vegetable for those who want to see the results of their work quickly - it grows rapidly and can be sown throughout the season. Lettuce is easy to grow and requires moderate sun, which makes it do well even on northern balconies. Zucchini, on the other hand, although it needs more space, grows well in large containers and can provide a bountiful harvest all summer long.

Fruit from your own balcony

Among the fruits that are good for growing on the balcony are strawberries, which grow well in hanging pots and balcony boxes. Also strawberries are known for their resilience and easy care. Blueberries are an interesting option for lovers of sweet, healthy fruit, but they require acidic soil and a larger pot to grow well. Those who dream of exotic plants can try growing citrus, such as lemon or tangerine - they look beautiful in pots, although they should be moved to a warmer place for the winter.

Truskawki i poziomki możesz z powodzeniem uprawiać na balkonie

You can successfully grow strawberries and strawberries on the balcony

Photo pressfoto © Freepik

Aromatic herbs always at hand

The balcony is an ideal place to grow aromatic herbs that will enrich the taste of dishes and drinks. Basil, a great match for Italian cuisine, requires warmth and lots of sun, so it works best on sunny balconies. Mint is easy to grow and is great in tea or cocktails, but it is worth remembering that it tends to grow heavily. Sun-loving rosemary is a great addition to meats and vegetables, while thyme is extremely drought-resistant and adds intense flavor to dishes. Chives are another plant that will do well in a balcony garden - easy to grow and requiring little care, they will be a great addition to sandwiches and salads.

- When choosing seeds, it's best to focus on your own taste preferences, so that the crop complements our daily food choices. If we are fans of pizza, basil and oregano would be a good choice. When we often eat chicken, think rosemary. For sandwiches, sprouts or baby leaves are ideal, suggests Elin Burén, a gardening expert.

Aromatyczne zioła możesz zasadzić w skrzyniach

You can plant aromatic herbs in boxes

© W. Legutko

How to care for plants on the balcony?

In order for plants on the balcony to grow well, you need to take care of proper watering, fertilization and protection from pests. Proper fertilization is the key to lush growth. Natural fertilizers such as compost, biohumus or coffee grounds are safe and eco-friendly choices. Mineral fertilizers, on the other hand, should be tailored to the specific type of plant.

- It is a good idea to enrich the soil in containers with nutrients on a regular basis. For this purpose, you can use compost or natural plant boosters like diatomite or basalt meal. Such measures are necessary because in the limited space of containers nutrients can be quickly consumed by plants. Regularly checking the humidity of the soil and replenishing it will help maintain optimal conditions for plant growth on the balcony, the expert explains.

In summer, it is best to water plants in the morning or evening to minimize water evaporation. In pots with drainage, watering should be regular, but not too abundant. Moisture-loving plants, such as lettuce, require more frequent watering. Protection from pests is another important aspect of care. Aphids can be controlled with a solution of potassium soap or nettle extract. Spiders do not like high humidity, and slugs can be deterred with barriers made of ash or egg shells. Taking care of these elements will allow you to enjoy a healthy and beautiful balcony garden throughout the season.

Podlewanie roślin rano i wieczorem ograniczy parowanie wody

Watering plants in the morning and evening will reduce water evaporation

© W. Legutko

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