How to design a storage room? 4 tips

w skrócie
  1. Organize a storage room next to the kitchen or bathroom.
  2. If you don't have a separate room, create a storage area in the closet.
  3. To keep things organized, equip the closet with handles and hooks.
  4. Provide a stool or ladder to easily reach higher shelves.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

A properly designed storage room will allow you to hide everything that should be out of sight. How to make it functional? We have 4 tips for you! 

Dobrze zorganizowana strefa gospodarcza ułatwi utrzymanie porządku

A well-organized storage will make it easier to keep things in order

© Peka

Thoughtful location

The optimal solution is to create a storage in a separate room. The best choice will be a room located close to the kitchen or bathroom. This will give you quick and easy access to all necessary appliances and cleaning products. If you have the opportunity, it is worth considering creating even a small pantry. A place to store food supplies, larger pots and pans, or household appliances will make it much easier to keep your kitchen organized and functional. In the pantry you can also separate space for a handheld vacuum cleaner, so you can quickly clean the kitchen and living area. The place for the washer and dryer should be located near the bathroom. This will ensure convenience of use and proximity to sewer and water risers. In this case, you also need to remember to properly soundproof the room. You also need to create a ventilation that will level accumulating moisture and unpleasant odors.

Jeśli masz taką możliwość, przeznacz jedno pomieszczenie na strefę gospodarczą

If you have the opportunity, allocate one room for a storage

© Peka

A closet full of practical solutions

If you do not have a spare room to arrange a storage, you can create it in the closet. With the right equipment, you will arrange the perfect space for storing essential items even in such a limited space. However, it is important to make optimal use of every centimeter. Only standard shelves will not be enough. Access to their further parts is difficult, so we either waste valuable space or struggle to reach the items we need. system of shelves with access from each side will work better. Such a compact organizer on a rack provides stability and security for stored items. At the same time, the overhanging hooks allow optimal use of the space between the shelves. This makes it an excellent solution for storing small items such as cloths and sponges or placing a vacuum hose holder. Universal mounting allows the organizer to be placed on either side of a cabinet or wall.

Wybierz systemy półek zapewniające dostęp z każdej strony

Choose shelving systems that provide access from either side

© Peka

Gadgets to help you stay organized

Well, you've already chosen a place. Now, how do you organize the inside of the storage area? Vacuum, mop, cleaning products. It all needs to find its place. To make it easier to arrange all the items and keep them in order, stock up on holders and hooks. An elegant and functional hanger will allow you to store brushes, vacuum cleaners and other cleaning tools. The holder is made of durable material, so you do not have to worry about its durability even with intensive use. Thanks to this solution, cleaning tools are accessible, which makes it easier to keep things in order. Smaller hangers intended for accessories will also work great. Such a practical addition will ensure that all the necessary small items such as cloths, gloves or garbage bags will always be within reach. Thanks to this, doing household chores will be significantly faster.

Uchwyt pozwoli Ci zorganizować niezbędne przedmioty

The holder will allow you to organize the necessary items

© Peka

Reach high

Whether in a closet or in a separate storage room, every centimeter counts. To make the most of the space, mount shelves high up, even near the ceiling. Paradoxically, such a solution is practical. All you need is a small stool or ladder. These are functional and lightweight items that will work in many places, from the garage to the closet. At the same time, they can withstand heavy loads. This is also a good solution if you have children. Kids will be able to participate in household chores and learn good habits.

Praktyczna drabinka pozwoli Ci sięgnąć nawet do najwyższych półek

A practical ladder will allow you to reach even the highest shelves

© Peka

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