Complete energy system -pump with recuperation and photovoltaics

The popularity of the heat pumps continues in part thanks to their emission-free and economical operation. Heat pump-based installations are increasingly being supplemented with recuperation and photovoltaics. Such a comprehensive system based on renewable energy makes it possible to achieve energy independence and maximum reduction of building heating costs.

Heat pump, recuperation and photovoltaic installation is a proven solution in new energy-efficient buildings. Not only because this combination of the two technologies makes it possible to meet the requirements of the applicable Technical Conditions regarding the value of the coefficient of the annual demand of a single-family building for non-renewable primary energy (EPmax. to 70 kWh/(m2-year). The combination of a Vitocal heat pump, Vitovent heat recovery air handling unit and Vitovolt photovoltaic system into a single system brings additional, measurable benefits.

Nowa generacja pomp ciepła firmy Viessmann niezwykle efektywnie wykorzystuje ciepło otoczenia do ogrzewania i chłodzenia budynku.

Viessmann's new generation of heat pumps makes extremely efficient use of ambient heat to heat and cool a building.


Heat pump with recuperation

Vitovent mechanical ventilation with recuperation provides controlled, constant air exchange in the building. In addition, it allows a portion of energy to be recovered from used exhaust air to the outside and used to heat fresh incoming air. High-efficiency heat recovery through recuperation reduces the energy demand of a building, thereby reducing its heating costs. The combination of heat pump and recuperation thus increases the energy efficiency of the building, which is extremely important in the face of rising energy prices.

Vitovent heat recovery air handling units achieve efficiencies of more than 90%. An integrated heater guarantees continuous operation of the heat exchanger even at low outside temperatures and constant heat recovery, even when very cool air flows into the air handling unit. It thus provides up to 50% savings on heating costs during the heating season.

Since the recuperation system reduces the heat demand of the building it also allows the use of a heat pump with a smaller capacity, which translates into lower investment costs at the stage of construction of the heating system in the building. Choosing a Vitocal heat pump with a Vitovent recuperator also allows both units to be managed by a common controller. This ensures optimized operation of the heating and ventilation system.

Zastosowanie pompy ciepła Vitocal, centrali wentylacyjnej z odzyskiem ciepła Vitovent oraz paneli fotowoltaicznych Vitovolt powala stworzyć kompletny system energetyczny, zapewniający niezależność od zewnętrznych dostawców energii.

The use of Vitocal heat pump, Vitovent heat recovery air handling unit and Vitovolt photovoltaic panels creates a complete energy system, ensuring independence from external energy suppliers.


System with photovoltaics

Supplementing a system with a heat pump and recuperator with a photovoltaic system gives you the opportunity to power your appliances with free electricity produced from solar radiation. The intelligent energy management system allows you to make the most of the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation, reducing the consumption of energy from the grid to a minimum, including by storing excess energy generated by photovoltaics in the form of heat in a DHW cylinder or a central heating buffer. By combining Vitovolt photovoltaic panels with a Vitocal heat pump, the balanced costs of heating and domestic hot water preparation can be minimized to practically zero. It also increases the ongoing consumption of photovoltaic electricity.

Moduły fotowoltaiczne Vitovolt 300 umożliwiają efektywne wykorzystanie prądu z energii słonecznej na potrzeby własne, a instalacja podgląd uzysku przez Internet, na urządzeniach mobilnych.

Vitovolt 300 photovoltaic modules enable efficient use of electricity from solar energy for personal use, and the installation previews the yield via the Internet, including on mobile devices.


Combining a heat pump with recuperation and photovoltaics makes it possible to reduce a building's energy needs while significantly reducing electricity and heating bills. Deciding on the equipment of one manufacturer, we will gain a guarantee that all the components will be properly matched to each other, and the complete system will work efficiently and effectively.

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