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Marta Kalucka - "SAME SKY. An object for immanent experiences"

03 of September '24
Technical data
Type: master's thesis
Year of defense: 2023

Marta Kałucka

Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Łodzi
Prof. Andrzej Wachowicz

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Interior Diploma".

SAME SKY is an idea project that simulates space flight and, above all, recreates the experience of it for everyone on Earth. The overview effect, or the overview effect, is a phenomenon observed in astronauts who, when traveling into space, change their perspective, gain distance, physically moving away from Earth, but mentally moving closer to it than ever. There is a striking feeling that the astronauts talk about, which changes a person and makes him reflect. The visitor can feel a whole range of emotions, such as fascination, sadness, helplessness, excitement, shock, feelings of harmony or love.



© Marta Kalucka

The facility, due to its use and scale, was located in an open natural area, without close proximity to urban or rural infrastructure, between the hills above freshwater Doo Lough, in the southwestern part of County Mayo, Ireland. The location is no accident, as a site with varied terrain was sought, so that the dome of the SAME SKY facility in close proximity to the overgrown hills can itself be covered with vegetation over time, blending in with the terrain.
The SAME SKY center is experiential in nature. A visit after dark is the most impressive. As we approach the facility, we catch a glimpse of the shining Moon and the constellations around it, so that inside the building our perspective reverses in favor of a view of Earth from a position in space. The experience begins even before we cross the main door, and the mountainous and empty surroundings - putus in the right mood and calm us down.



© Marta Kalucka

The visitor enters a narrow tunnel that widens into the hillside and directs to the main high lobby that forms the core of the facility. Ducking your head upward, you can see a spiral path along the contour of the walls and a section of the dome with screens displaying images from the main hall on the top floor. He then heads up a spiral ramp that slowly brings him closer to his destination - the multimedia dome. The slow ascent of the ramp is also meant to stimulate curiosity as one climbs, to slowly get used to the new surroundings, and to provide a moment of respite. Along the way there is an entrance to a vast and high room surrounding the main hall with a ramp. The exhibition floor on the ring plan is mainly a space for permanent and temporary exhibitions. There, visitors can experience the space with their senses, empirically examine the objects on display and provide themselves with physical sensations. It is recommended to use the exhibition floor after the experience under the dome, on the way back, as the user's sensitivity will be sharpened, and the exhibitions complement the visual experience from the transmission with the other senses.



© Marta Kalucka

The user, reaching the top of the ramp, finds himself in a spacious room under the dome - as if in the center of the spectrum. Along the outline of the ramp shaft stretches a long profiled bench conducive to relaxation and contemplation in a comfortable semi-reclined position. The visitor is surrounded by a ceiling-dome that transmits a live image of the Earth from the perspective of a space/spacecraft/research station. Due to the Earth's very slow movements, this is a rather static image that can be viewed while walking around the room or enjoying relaxing on a bench. The user just at that - moment can experience the overview effect.



© Marta Kalucka

A visit to the center is a long journey - from the moment you approach the center until you leave it. We are slowly led in by pure curiosity or an inner need to feel something more. We are led away in silence, with a calmer pulse, with new values. Like Edgar Mitchell (Apollo 14 astronaut) or Russell Schweickart (Apollo 9 astronaut) after their journeys into space, we are left with a reflection on life, an awareness of being one with the Earth and a sense of strong symbiosis with it. We may also be accompanied by a feeling of gratitude to our family and - an awareness of the beauty of nature, which is slowly disappearing.

rzut poziomu 1

level 1 projection

© Marta Kalucka


Illustrations: © Author

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