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Krakow's modernism trail revamped, new website and mobile app

05 of May '21

TheKrakow Route of Modernism is now even more open to all tourists and architecture lovers. To plan a trip or learn about the history of architecture, all you need to do is look at the newly created website. Film archives, contemporary and old photographs.... Podcasts, lectures and interactive maps. All at your fingertips. A few days ago, the Institute of Architecture presented a new portal dedicated to the trails of Krakow modernism.

modernism anew

We are rediscovering the greatest urban, architectural and planning achievements of the 20th century. We are beginning to see how much we still have to tell and show. The new portal shows a sensitivity to modernism. It is a compendium of knowledge about 150 buildings. Contemporary and archival photos seduce," says Robert Piaskowski, the Krakow mayor's plenipotentiary for cultural affairs.

In the era of sustainable tourism, information portals and apps are a must. Modernism is Krakow's potential, which has remained underestimated for many years.

krakow's modernism years

At the beginning of the 20th century, Krakow covered just 5.5 square kilometers, had a population of about one hundred thousand and was the most densely populated city in Austria-Hungary. In just half a century, its area increased nearly more than sixty times, and its population exceeded seven hundred thousand by the late 1970s. The intensive development was recorded in the city's space with many unique urban creations and architectural projects, which today constitute a living gallery of Polish modern architecture," reads the website

The Krakow Modernism Route was established relatively recently, in 2014, on the initiative of the Architecture Institute Foundation and the Space - People - City association, and since 2018 it has also been accompanied by Pomoszlak, a website dedicated to postmodern architecture.

virtual image of the city

The new site primarily contains specialized data and photographic documentation of selected buildings from the period of interwar modernism, socialist realism, socialist modernism and postmodernism. In addition, the presentations are supplemented with information about Cracow, famous architects, and the city's social context. Users of the portal have a map at their disposal to use the knowledge gathered in the portal. The map allows users to select tour routes that recreate a virtual image of the city and its modernist heritage. Multimedia materials are an important element of the site: lectures, walks and films devoted to Krakow 's 20th century architecture. The authors of the notes of the buildings to be found on the trail are, among others, art and architecture historians, popularizers of knowledge about the latest heritage of Krakow: Dr. Aneta Borowik, Dr. Dorota Jędruch, Kacper Kępiński, Dr. Michał Wiśniewski, Piotr Knapik, Magdalena Smaga, Kamila Twardowska, Dr. Barbara Stec, Dr. Dorota Leśniak-Rychlak. Contemporary photographs of architecture were taken by Grzegorz Karkoszka, Jarek Matla, Paweł Mazur, Marek Ćwiklicki.

Film from the Krakow Route of Modernism series | source Facebook

major overhaul of the portal, the future of tourism

The portal is a database on Krakow's 20th century architecture, both interwar socialist realism modernism, postwar modernism and postmodernism, and thanks to a thorough renovation it has gained new functionalities, says Dorota Leśniak-Rychlak of the Architecture Institute Foundation.

We look forward to the development of such projects. Preservation of cultural heritage starts first of all with education. Maybe in a few years we won't have to explain to anyone how important modernist buildings are for the city, let alone fight for their protection.... In the meantime, it's worth taking at least a virtual walk in Krakow, discover modernism anew -

Marta Kowalska

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