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Modern educational institution: the Montessori kindergarten "Rabbit Corner" in Debica

21 of August '24
w skrócie
  1. "Rabbit Corner" is a project of a Montessori preschool in Debica, responding to the growing need for effective raising and teaching of children.
  2. The author Wiktoria Żurek focused on the principles of the Montessori method, such as the individual pace of child development and the absence of a system of rewards and punishments.
  3. The kindergarten building was designed to blend harmoniously with nature, surrounding the existing trees on the plot.
  4. The kindergarten's interiors have been organized to promote children's free exploration and sensory development.
  5. The design also includes an extensive outdoor zone, including a rabbit farm and sensory zone to support children's physical and cognitive development.

  6. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

The subject of Wiktoria Żurek 's thesis from the Faculty of Construction, Environmental Engineering and Architecture at Rzeszów University of Technology, completed under the direction of Dr. Joanna Figurska-Dudek, is the "Rabbit Corner" kindergarten, designed for the Subcarpathian city of Debica. The educational facility responds to the growing need to effectively raise and teach children in the spirit of Montessori pedagogy.



© Wiktoria Żurek

idea and purpose of the project

The project of "Rabbit's Nook" was created as a response to the growing demand for educational facilities that foster the all-round development of children in accordance with Maria Montessori's philosophy. The key role in this method is played by principles such as the individual pace of child development, upbringing in the spirit of freedom and independence, as well as the absence of the traditional system of rewards and punishments.



© Wiktoria Żurek

During the design, the author paid attention to the choice of an appropriate educational method, which is a key role in the development of the youngest children. Montessori, as an alternative to the traditional model of teaching, brings much better results, and the kindergarten "Rabbit Corner" is to be a place supporting these assumptions.



© Wiktoria Żurek

integration with nature

One of the main design goals was to connect the building with nature. In the initial phase of the project, the building consisted of modules, intended to form a loose spatial arrangement. However, as a result of analysis and further work, the modules were combined into a compact body, harmoniously blending into the surrounding landscape. The building was planned to encircle the existing trees on the plot, which not only emphasizes its connection to nature, but also alludes to the architecture of single-family houses in the area. The multi-pitch roof further reinforces this reference, making the building harmonize with the character of its surroundings.

wizualizacja od strony frontowej budynku

visualization from the front side of the building

© Wiktoria Żurek

The application of Montessori principles in the design of the kindergarten translated into the layout of the interior and the organization of the exterior space. The key elements, taken into account by the author, became the different heights and shapes of the teaching rooms, the creation of open spaces and the orientation of the building to the directions of the world.

wizualizacja tylnej części budynku

visualization of the rear part of the building

© Wiktoria Żurek

spatial solutions

The entrance to the building is located on the east side, which allows the children to start their day with the rising sun, while the exit was planned on the west side, which symbolically closes their day at the kindergarten. The internal layout of the rooms reminds children of a city, where each room acts as a home, and appropriately zoned spaces for various activities and tasks allow for free exploration and learning. The spaces are distinguished by the refraction of the shape of the rooms, differences in height and specially selected furnishings that promote the sensory development of toddlers.

wizualizacja placu zabaw

visualization of the playground

© Wiktoria Żurek

The design of the kindergarten envisages six main teaching rooms, adapted for the implementation of the Montessori curriculum. In addition, the building includes two additional rooms, a gymnasium with a stage that can be used for events and performances, and an exercise room. An important element of the design is a spacious circulation area that children can freely explore. This space is also connected to the outdoor area of the nursery, accessible both on the first floor and on the first floor, where there is a balcony with stairs and a slide.

wizualizacja strefy sensorycznej

visualization of the sensory zone

© Wiktoria Żurek

education through experience

The "Rabbit Corner" kindergarten is distinguished not only by its well-thought-out interior architecture, but also by its elaborate outdoor zone, bringing children into contact with nature and providing them with a comprehensive educational experience. The facility maintains rabbit farms, which serve a therapeutic and educational function. The youngest children have the opportunity to observe the life cycles of animals, which develops their cognitive skills and empathy.

wizualizacja wnętrza – komunikacja w strefie wejściowej

interior visualization - communication in the entrance area

© Wiktoria Żurek

A sensory zone has been planned around the kindergarten , on the west side, using a variety of materials such as sand, water, bark, grass and gravel to stimulate children's senses. Also located in this zone are a sensory path, a sandbox, a pond created at the end of an existing stream, and a wooden platform with a slide, allowing children to come into close contact with the treetops. Slightly farther away, in the recreation area, there are seating areas, a playground made of natural materials, a vegetable garden and a playground, promoting the development of motor skills and teamwork.

schemat funkcjonalny sali zajęciowej

functional diagram of the activity room

© Wiktoria Żurek

There is also a rabbit enclosure next to the building, which is an integral part of the kindergarten. Thanks to the appropriately planned space, children can move freely between the interior of the building and the surrounding outdoor area, which affects their physical and cognitive development.

wizualizacja wnętrza – sala zajęciowa

visualization of the interior - activity room

© Wiktoria Żurek

Free exploration, play and learning in such a designed environment supporting the all-round development of children, which makes "Rabbit Corner" an important place on the educational map of Debica and the entire Podkarpackie region.

wizualizacja przestrzeni zewnętrznych

visualization of outdoor spaces

© Wiktoria Żurek

Aleksandra Skorupa

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