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Izabela Meyze - "Medical clinic in Koronowo. Return to its original function"

14 of March '23
Technical data
Type: undergraduate thesis
Year of defense: 2022
Author: Izabela Meyze
University: Faculty of Interior Design and Scenography at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of Arts in Poznan.

Prof. Marta Weronika Węcławska-Lipowicz

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Interior Diploma 2021/2023".

The design of the Medical Clinic in Koronowo represents a kind of return to the past, or more precisely, a return to the original function of the building. The base of the project is a historic building, in the years 1898-1960 serving as the City Hospital—the first, the only and also the last one in the area. Currently, the interior houses a kindergarten and a local government nursery.

Nawiązując do historycznego charakteru budownictwa, we wnętrzu została odkryta cegła

Referring to the historical nature of the building, the interior has been exposed brick

© Izabela Meyze

The theme of the project, in addition to referring to the building's history, is also an attempt to solve a local problem with accessibility to certain medical services. The city lacks a modern, ergonomically appropriate medical facility. By piecing together various data and analyses of the population of the Koronowa municipality, their health status, and needs, it was possible to isolate the most necessary offices. The facility would not solve all the problems facing local medicine, but it would certainly alleviate some of the existing limitations.

Przychodnia lekarska w Komorowie, aksonometria

Medical clinic in Komorovo, axonometry

© Izabela Meyze

The building consists of four floors—basement, first floor, first floor and attic. The total area is 750 square meters, and the designed space covers 293.5. The interior design of the medical clinic is centered around the first floor area and the first floor.

Przychodnia lekarska, rzut parteru

Medical clinic, first floor plan

© Izabela Meyze

The first floor includes a reception area with a waiting area, a blood collection point, an outpatient clinic, pediatric offices (zoned for sick and healthy children) and a single internist's office. On the first floor, specialist offices of a gynecologist, a cardiologist and offices of internal medicine physicians are planned.

Przestronne korytarze umożliwiają komfortowe poruszanie się po obiekcie osobom z niepełnosprawnościami Przychodnia lekarska, wnętrze jednego z gabinetów

Spacious corridors allow people with disabilities to move around the facility comfortably

© Izabela Meyze

The interiors are equipped with specialized furniture and medical equipment and meet the generally accepted requirements for the square meters of medical rooms. In addition to aesthetic qualities, the materials used are also easy to maintain sterility, which is very important in this type of facility.

Pomieszczenia utrzymano w barwach szałwii lekarskiej - zimnych zieleniach i fioletach zestawionych z ciepłymi odcieniami cegły

The rooms are kept in the colors of medical sage—cold greens and violets juxtaposed with warm shades of brick

© Izabela Meyze

Adapting the facility to the needs of people with disabilities was one of the primary design considerations. Numerous solutions in accordance with the principles of barrier-free design were used. In front of the entrance to the building there is an entrance ramp, which can also be used by people with small children. Inside, communication between floors is possible thanks to a vertical lift. A spacious corridor allows comfortable movement, its width is 120-150 centimeters.

Ścianki działowe oraz wewnętrzne okładziny ceglanych ścian wykonano z bezpiecznego szkła o grubości 25 milimetrów  Zautomatyzowana komunikacja pionowa

Partition walls and internal cladding of brick walls are made of 25-millimeter-thick safety glass

© Izabela Meyze

The architecture combines contrasting elements—history and modernity. The building is a fusion of late 19th and early 21st century building features. The challenge was to design a space that would not abandon the historical order and would combine the aesthetics of the old architectural silhouette with progressive elements.

Architektura wnętrz łączy w sobie elementy kontrastujące - historię oraz nowoczesność Przychodnia lekarska, wnętrze gabinetu

The interiors are equipped with specialized furniture and medical equipment and meet the generally accepted requirements for the square footage of medical rooms

© Izabela Meyze

Referring to the historical character of the building, the interior has uncovered the brick that originally appears on the building's facade, and the walls have been protected with glazing made of 25-millimeter thick armored glass. The color scheme of the interiors was inspired by the shades of sage, known for its healing properties. The rooms are dominated by shades of cool green and purple, which are typical of this plant.

Isabella MEYZE

Illustrations © Author

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