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Cocooning interior - design a good mood for yourself

12 of June '20

in a home spa

Relaxing in your own cocoon is not only about watching movies or playing family board games, but also long, relaxing baths. If we haven't had time for them so far, now is the right time! A comfortable bath, aromatic oils, candles and voilà - here we have a new home ritual. And, as we all know, every ceremony requires the right anturage. Rest assured, we don't have to renovate the entire bathroom right away. The best, as usual, is the method of small steps, especially if we prefer a relaxing shower to a bath. We can create a home spa with a properly selected rain shower, allowing us to change the intensity of the water stream - from a gentle one, reminiscent of summer rain, to a more intense one, bringing soothing to tense neck muscles.

Domowe spa - cocooning

Meditation in the shower? Why not?

© Greston press materials

Meditation in the shower? Why not? Everyone unanimously stresses that nature soothes the senses and helps to calm down, and it is hard not to agree with this, seeing in the bathroom a fixture deceptively reminiscent of a flat stone polished by the river current or a sublime sculpture. Fashions in design styles and technological innovations pass with the next season and the arrival of new products. But what remains constant is the need for comfort and building interiors perfectly suited to our needs - pleasing to the eye and comfortable for the body. In line with the idea of cocooning.

elaborated. ed.

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