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How do you imagine the world in 100 years? Time Capsule in Krakow

04 of June '20

In front of the main building of the National Museum in Krakow on June 1 stood a unique sculpture - the Time Capsule, which will store Poles' ideas about the future inside.

A time capsule, or a place or container in which important objects or information are stored, is a unique "consignment" for future generations. One of the most famous is the Crypt of Civilization at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, which is scheduled to open in... 8113. Prepared between 1937 and 1940, the capsule houses cereal samples, stockings, dental floss, a toaster, beer, recordings of Hitler's voice and a Donald Duck figurine, among other things.

TheKrakow Time Capsule was created on the initiative of the TworzyMY Kraków foundation. It is a modern mobile sculpture, the design of which was selected in a nationwide architectural competition. The winner of the 2018 competition struggle was Aleksander Rokosz, who designed a sculpture inspired by the bugle call of St. Mary's Church in Krakow.

Pierwszym miejscem
ekspozycji rzeźby jest plac przed gmachem głównym Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie

© TworzyMY Kraków Foundation

According to the author's intention, the capsule is a mirror of time and space. Mounted at an optimal height, it is accessible to all passersby. The mirrored hemisphere encourages interaction - taking a look at oneself, the environment and the changing moment. Instead of complicated technology, it uses the natural phenomenon of reflection. The capsule is characterized by its tri-temporality. The first is the here and now: the golden mirror of the dome faithfully reflecting the changing reality. The second is the passage of time over the months: the bronze base, unhurriedly patinaed, becoming a natural clock that measures the months. Finally, the third temporality is the passing of time at the level of years: The capsule, opened every quarter century, will mark the rhythm of the following decades.

Lustrzana półkula
Kapsuły Czasu zachęca do interakcji — przyjrzenia się sobie, otoczeniu i zmieniającej się chwili

© TworzyMY Kraków Foundation

At the heart of the Time Capsule will be enclosed works - imaginations of Poles on how their neighborhood, Poland, and the whole world could look in 2120. You can submit artworks, literary works or videos. More information about the contest can be found here.

The first place where the sculpture will be displayed is the square in front of the main building of the National Museum in Krakow, later, between August 1 and September 3, it will be on display at 10 Dolnych Młynów Street. The ceremony of closing the Heart of the Time Capsule is planned for September 5 at Krakow's Szczepanski Square.

elabor. ed.

The vote has already been cast

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