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Anna Szkobodzinska from the Faculty of Architecture at the Bialystok University of Technology has won the "Alter ego" competition in New York!

21 of June '24

Anna Szkobodzińska, this year's graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology, won first place in the "student" category in the prestigious "Alter ego" competition. Her linocut was featured in The BLANC Art Space in New York. The work "NGC 1027" is part of her diploma, made under the direction of Dr. Tomasz M. Kukawski.

Anna Szkobodzińska

Anna Szkobodzińska

Photo by Dariusz Piekut

The BLANC Art Space

The BLANC Art Space is a venue dedicated to the promotion and development of performing arts through a series of exhibitions, performances, presentations, panel discussions and educational programs. It is an inclusive platform for artistic exchange that helps young male and female artists who are beginning their creative careers. Here, all individuals have an open space for discussion and can share ideas. The BLANC Art Space promotes male and female artists through its website, social media, competitions and exhibitions. They are committed to bringing the artworks on display to collectors, so they organize auctions and online sales.

"Alter ego" contest

His graduate student was persuaded to participate in the competition by Tomasz M. Kukawski, Ph.D., an employee of the Department of Graphic Design at the Faculty of Architecture at Bialystok University of Technology, supervisor of the student research circle Workshop, which is dedicated to deepening workshop skills in drawing and graphic design. He always tries to promote his students.

I suggested participation in the competition to my graduate student Anna Szkobodzińska. Another student - Ewa Kozlowska - will be able to show her work at theTaiwanale, one of the largest in the world, two other students will now show at theRomanianale together with Szkobodzinska, who was an outstanding student. Several more graduates of this year's class really promise success in the art world and are not inferior in concept and artistry to world-renowned artists," says Dr. Tomasz M. Kukawski.

Anna Szkobodzinska followed the advice of her promoter and sent the designated work to New York.

In the student category I had the opportunity to send two of my works, one of which was qualified for the "Alter ego" exhibition. The works were made in linocut technique and both were part of my undergraduate graphic design thesis: "Open Clusters." This series included six linocuts in 80 × 61 cm format and, in addition, 40 monotypes in a much smaller format - photos measuring 10 by 15 cm. It took a long time to do all this work, but I think it was worth it. After many stormy discussions and consultations with Professor Kukawski, what form this diploma should take, how to juxtapose the linocuts - we succeeded. Each linocut is composed of two matrices, so it was not such an easy task, but in the end we came to some kind of consensus," says Anna Szkobodzińska.

grafika promująca wystawę autorstwa Anny Szkobodzińskiej

Graphic promoting the exhibition by Anna Szkobodzińska

© Anna Szkobodzinska

The exhibition opened on June 12, 2024 in New York at The BLANC Art Space. Szkobodzinska's graphic was also used to promote the exhibition on social media.

The feeling was quite extraordinary, because I had never won anything in the field of graphic design before - this is actually my first award. I also got the news that I was qualified for the graphic arts biennial in Romania. I think this is just the beginning and there is still a lot of work ahead of me," confesses Szkobodzińska.

For the exhibition in New York, the organizers printed 40 copies of the linocut photo, which are for sale.

I didn't expect this, because I create my works basically from what I feel. I'm not yet fully aware of how other viewers experience these works, but I think that if it has been awarded, then surely someone appreciates it, " admits Szkobodzinska.

elaborated: Aleksandra Skorupa

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