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Vittorio Gregotti (1927-2020)

18 of March '20

Vittorio Gregotti (1927-2020)

Italian architect, urban planner and lecturer Vittorio Gregotti[info] passed away on March 15 this year. Recalling his work, we would like to recall some of the realizations of the architect and the Gregotti Associati International design office, which was active since the 1970s.

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Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium in Barcelona.

Vittorio Gregotti's team was responsible for the reconstruction of Barcelona's Montjuïc Hill stadium designed for the 1929 Expo. The modernization of the facility was carried out at a time when the city was seeking the right to host the 1992 Summer Olympics. The architects designed new, two-story grandstands, but retained the historic facades.

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Stadio Luigi Ferraris in Genoa

Another stadium rebuilt to Gregotti's design is the one in Genoa, Italy. The modernization allowed the venue to be ready for the 1990 World Cup.

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Bicocca University buildings in Milan

Gregotti drew up a plan for the development of Milan's Bicocca neighborhood in the late 1980s. Its area includes the buildings of the Milan University, the Teatro degli Arcimboldi edifice and the headquarters of the Pirelli company, among others.

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© Università di Milano-Bicocca

Teatro degli Arcimboldi in Milan

The building housing the theater and opera in Milan was created through the collaboration of Vittorio Gregotti, Mario Botta and Elisabetta Fabbri. The fan-shaped structure hosted audiences of La Scala's most famous opera house during renovation work carried out on the historic edifice.

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photo: davide.spino

Pirelli corporate headquarters

At the center of the Pirelli Group office building is a preserved cooling tower. The minimalist, glazed body of the new building like a frame surrounds the monumental industrial form.

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© Fondazione Pirelli

UBI Banca's new management center in Brescia

The 12-story edifice housing the headquarters of Italian banking group Banca Lombarda is designed on a square plan. A truncated pyramid-shaped volume housing two conference rooms surrounds three glass sections of the building.

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Photo credit: Ilario Piatti

Belém Cultural Center in Lisbon

The Cultural Center was built to a design by Vittorio Gregotti and Manuel Salgado. The concept, which was selected in a competition, included five modules - the Conference Center, the Exhibition Center, the Performing Arts Center, a hotel zone and a complementary part, but in the end only the first three blocks were realized.

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