Student Zone


This is a section of the A&B portal dedicated to students (and not only). Here you will find news dedicated to them, achievements such as winning the Diploma with Archicad program, information about events, cultural events, competitions e.g. annual SARP Diplomas and events, aimed directly at students of architecture and intermediate majors. We also publish interesting projects, such as those addressing the problem of the neglect of valuable architectural objects in Poland, or innovative solutions.


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What does an Architect do?


Architect deals with the broadly interdisciplinary design and creation of Architecture. Within its framework, an architect may specialize in one or more of its types: "Large Architecture", "Small Architecture", which may often also include "Design and Industrial Design", "Landscape Architecture" and "Interior Architecture". In each project, the architect must take into account a number of factors and comply with formal and legal strictures, which are imposed by the requirements of construction law, technical conditions, space development. Important factors in the design are the conditions, requirements and preferences of the private or public investor and the target budget.


What skills are required to become an Architect?


Architecture and Urban Planning and related fields are interdisciplinary higher education majors that combine knowledge and skills in the sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics, materials science, etc.) with the humanities (construction law, art history, cultural studies, etc.) and the arts (drawing, sculpture, painting, modern audiovisual arts). Nowadays, an Architect most often also needs to be proficient in the use of specialized design support software. Hand-drawing skills (as a rule, still required for the entrance exam), however further very useful for teamwork, presentation and creative work are in practice receding into the background of CAD skills ("Computer Aided Design", or "Computer Aided Design").

How much is earned as an Architect in Poland?


Averaging a number of reports and statistics, and discarding minority salary amplitudes, it can be assumed that architects' current salaries are within the range of PLN 5-15 thousand gross. A junior architect should expect a salary in the range of PLN 4.5-7 thousand gross. An architect with more seniority or BIM skills will earn within the range of 6-13 thousand. The salary of the best architects with successful architectural offices can oscillate around the limit of several tens of thousands. However, it is necessary to take practical allowance for a great many factors variable over time, such as the number and type of orders, the budget of the investment and the investor himself.

Where does an Architect earn the most?


In many countries of the world, the level of remuneration can deviate significantly in favor of the median salary in a given country, and this usually depends on the demand for the services offered by architects. For example, converted into Polish currency in Germany, the average salary of an architect is about 26,000 PLN gross. In the UK, salaries reach PLN 20,000 gross, while in the United States it is PLN 30,000 gross. In some Arab or Asian countries, salaries can be even higher.


Is studying Architecture difficult?


In short: Yes, studying architecture is difficult because of its interdisciplinary nature. As a rule, the study program is very tightly packed with lectures, exercises and assignments in both science and humanities subjects. As a rule, we recommend that people who feel equally comfortable on both sides of this barricade of knowledge take up this field of study, otherwise studies can prove very difficult, discouraging and ultimately a waste of time. Architecture requires constant self-improvement, iron self-discipline and rigorous organization of self-work. Many times, in order to stand out above future competition, it is necessary to undertake domestic or foreign internships, since practice in this profession is probably even more important than theory alone. Architecture is not easy, but - and this will sound like a platitude - it can also shape a person for life, so.... maybe it's worth a try?

Is Architect a profession with a future?


Architect has always been considered a stable and prestige-giving profession like professions like lawyer or doctor. During the recent technology boom, it began to be considered by some as a profession at risk of being partially displaced by AI (artificial intelligence) mechanisms. However, this is unlikely to happen in practice because of the necessary human factor inherent in the profession and its interdisciplinary nature. The architect's original approach, knowledge, distinctive style and skills from a number of scientific and humanistic disciplines are as a whole very unlikely to be replaced by AI learning algorithms. It is likely that artificial intelligence tools will only become a support for the creative human approach in this profession. The biggest threat to the Architect himself is another Architect. Mediocrity and stagnation cannot be afforded here. Architecture is a field and the Architect is a profession, which are necessary at every stage of civilization development and, therefore, is still a profession of the future.

What passes for Architecture?


Studies of architecture or urban planning are generally included in the offer of technical universities (polytechnics). The profile of the university determines the terms of enrollment. Therefore, in this case, subjects such as mathematics, physics, but also art history will be key. Valuable will be the skills acquired in high schools with artistic or construction profiles, as well as general high schools with mathematical and physical profiles. In Poland, architects are educated by Faculties of Architecture, usually located at the Technical Universities: Warsaw, Krakow, Silesia, Poznan, Wroclaw, Rzeszow, Lublin, Bialystok, Lodz, Gdansk, Swietokrzyska and Opole, as well as private universities such as the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow Academy, the Higher Technical School in Katowice and the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin.


Is it difficult to get into Architecture?


Getting into the field of Architecture and Urban Planning at a high-profile university generally involves a fair amount of competition in the form of a large number of applicants per place. It will be necessary to properly prepare for the exam and create a drawing portfolio at least a few months before the exam itself (it is worth checking the specific requirements of the university for the exam even a year in advance). For those who are determined, but with a fatter wallet, there remains the choice of paid studies, which, as a rule, will allow you to get the same level of knowledge with the same commitment as in full-time studies, however, are usually associated with a really large registration fee and tuition fees.


How much does it cost to study Architecture?


Standard full-time studies in architecture majors at public universities are free. On the other hand, we will have to pay for study at non-public universities and in extramural, evening or part-time modes at public universities. Prices in these cases range from several to even several thousand zlotys for the first year of study, depending on the university.


How many years to study Architecture?


In Poland, architectural studies are two-stage. They consist of 3 or 4 years of undergraduate studies, after which one receives the title of engineer of architecture, and 2 or one year of graduate studies, culminating in the degree of master of engineering of architecture. As of the 2020/2021 academic year, Bachelor's degree studies in Architecture last 8 semesters, Master's degree studies last 3 semesters.


Architectural qualifications


The title of Architect is given to a person educated in the field of Architecture and who is authorized to design buildings. To obtain an architectural license to design without limitation, one must have completed a first and second degree in Architecture or Architecture and Urban Planning. In order to perform independent functions in the design of buildings as an architect and the management of construction works of architecture of buildings, it is necessary to obtain a construction license in the specialty of architecture. For this purpose, it is required to complete one year of practice in drafting projects and one year of professional practice on construction sites. It is worth noting that the acquisition of architectural licenses is associated with the acquisition of the necessary experience and not architectural knowledge, which as such is not dependent on the license.


Architectural associations


Polish architects are required to belong to the appropriate district of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland (IARP), the professional body of architects; they may also be affiliated with the Society of Polish Architects (SARP).

What can you do after Architecture?


It is worth remembering that the law requires an architecture graduate to obtain an architectural/construction license to design in order to "sign" projects. An architect without a license can take a job in an architectural office and be part of a design team or even carry out certain activities on their own, which will then be reviewed by architects with licenses. Graduates of Architecture and Urban Planning can take up jobs in architectural offices, construction supervision companies, investor supervision, installation inspectorate, urban planning, construction companies - both private and so-called budget companies. It is worth mentioning that the skills acquired at the study of architectural subjects are usually associated with such a high interdisciplinary nature of the knowledge gained that they allow you to take up a profession in a great many technical and humanistic professions. You can become a graphic designer, builder, designer, interior designer, work in an IT company, design cars, ships, infrastructure, urban fabric, etc. It can be said that Architect is a renaissance profession in multidirectionality and one of the most modern in terms of the necessary knowledge and skills acquired.


