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SCHÖCK Sp. z o.o.
SCHÖCK Sp. z o.o. is a member of the Schöck Group. The company's main specialty is thermal and acoustic insulation solutions for single- and multi-family housing. The Schöck Group has a total of 1111 employees. In addition to its headquarters, production plant and warehouse in Baden-Baden, Schöck also has production facilities in Essen, Halle/Saale, Hungary and Tychy (final assembly). Other Schöck Group companies are located in Poland, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, the UK, Canada, the US and Slovenia (as well as cooperating companies throughout Europe, South Korea and Japan). As a manufacturer, Schöck designs, manufactures and distributes innovative building components and systems for civil engineering. Its goal is to develop more and better quality and improved construction elements. Schöck offers advice and care for construction work right from the design phase in accordance with the motto: "Bet on reliability." All participants in the construction process have access to training and up-to-date technical information. Practical materials and available programs, construction support and high quality products translate into construction longevity - with a special focus on building energy efficiency. Schöck's high quality, product safety and innovation are confirmed by numerous testimonials, acknowledgements, awards and prizes, including the 2017 Building Company of the Year statuette and the Architects' Darling 2021 trophy for Schöck's flagship product, the Isokorb thermal insulation connector.
"Thanks to our ingenuity, we are the ones who set international standards time and time again. Our thoughtful ideas streamline the process of building from the ground up. They increase creative freedom and planning security. In addition, our solutions save time during installation. And finally, it's our products that keep the value of a building high, ensuring its long-term operation. No matter what and where you are building - we are at your service."