Modern construction solutions

Precast concrete products are becoming the foundation of modern construction. Taking into account the needs of residential construction, Lubar Prefabrykacja provides the highest quality products such as filigran type floor slabs, balconies, prefabricated stairs, retaining walls and elements of small architecture, such as flower pots and benches.

Montaż prefabrykatów z użyciem dźwigu

Installation of prefabricated elements using a crane


Filigran type floor slabs - Modernity and Reliability

Filigran type floor slabs are all about speed and precision. These are reinforced concrete slabs 5-6 cm thick, made of concrete of class no less than C20/25, reinforced with steel trusses and reinforcing bars. These ceilings meet the highest construction standards. Their prefabrication saves time and resources, which is crucial in the dynamic pace of modern construction.

Płyta stropowa typu Filigran

Filigran floor slab


Prefabricated Balconies – Efficiency and Aesthetics

If you are planning to build a balcony, modern prefabricated solutions are worth considering. The use of prefabricated balconies eliminates the need for complicated formwork and reinforcement work at heights. Lubar Prefabrykacja company provides ready-made, high-quality balconies that perfectly blend into the architecture of the building and are resistant to changing weather conditions.

Produkcja i montaż balkonów prefabrykowanych

Production and installation of prefabricated balconies


Prefabricated Stairs

The production of prefabricated stairs takes place on one of our production halls, which means there is no need to formwork and pour them on site. The company delivers ready-to-install stairs, eliminating construction delays and reducing investment costs. Thanks to them, investors can focus on the important aspects of the project, confident that the staircase meets the highest quality standards.

Montaż prefabrykowanej klatki schodowej

Installation of a prefabricated staircase


Small Architecture – Creating Space

Small architecture elements, such as retaining walls, benches or flower pots, are a unique way to create aesthetic and functional space around buildings. With unique concrete solutions, Lubar Prefabrication co-creates unique surroundings, meeting the expectations of even the most demanding customers.

Prefabrykowane donice z betonu architektonicznego

Prefabricated flower pots made of architectural concrete


Contact us today!

If you are looking for a partner that will guarantee the success of your investment, contact Lubar Prefabrykacja. Lubar Prefabrykacja company is not only the highest quality products, but also professional customer service at every stage of the project. Reliably selected staff of specialists, a comprehensive offer, timely deliveries and fast installation are the features that make this company trusted by investors and architects.

For more information, visit the company's LUBAR PREFABRYKACJA Sp. z o.o. page on the A&B portal.


Quiz: Kultowe krzesła i fotele

Quiz: Kultowe krzesła i fotele


Kto zaprojektował ten elegancki fotel wykonany ze skóry i ciemnego drewna?

Fotel powstał w 1956 roku fot.: rahims | Wikimedia Commons © CC-BY-2.0 DEED
Fotel powstał w 1956 roku fot.: rahims | Wikimedia Commons © CC-BY-2.0 DEED

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