Grenton Smart Home - the future of modern construction

A modern home is a space supported by innovative technology, created with experts and tailored to the needs of homeowners. The widespread use of home automation solutions has become the future of modern construction. They are a standard used in nearly half of households in Europe and around the world.

Stylowe i nowoczesne panele dotykowe Grenton

Stylish and modern Grenton touch panels


Consumers who decide to build a new home or expand an existing one choose the Grenton Smart Home System, valuing its functionalities that make everyday life easier and offer additional benefits such as energy savings and increased security.

A professional system that adapts to users

Smart Home Grenton is a professional home automation system that can be tailored to the personal preferences of each user. The system is installed by Grenton Certified Installers, who provide expert support at all stages of the project.

System components include a variety of modules, a series of interactive touch panels and a mobile app for remote control. The system can be installed in both finished and yet-to-be-built buildings. It uniquely combines the best of both wired and wireless systems - the reliability of high-speed cable bus and the flexibility of Z-Wave and Wifi wireless communication.

Intuicyjne sterowanie poprzez Smart Panel lub aplikację myGrenton

Intuitive control via Smart Panel or myGrenton app


Benefits of implementing a smart home system

Grenton's smart home system is the answer to the growing need to save time while automating daily activities. The system will automate your routines, and integration with other home devices will provide convenience for the whole family. Access to the full range of functionality, including management of lighting, temperature, blinds or alarm system, is done from an app on your phone or via touch panels with a modern design. All this makes the home easier to maintain, the space more usable, and the homeowners gain more free time.

Smart home not only saves time, but also money. Sub-optimal energy consumption, especially in times of dizzying energy price increases, can lead to very high and uncontrollable bills. Using the Grenton Smart Home System, you can easily monitor and optimize energy and heating consumption in real time. In practice, it consists in the fact that the system itself controls lighting and heating depending on the external conditions and the current use of each room. It decides when it pays to turn on air conditioning, recuperation or the furnace, among other things, to create the ideal climate for the householders. In a home with a PV system, it will help maintain a positive energy balance and charge an electric car, from stored energy.

Touch Panel Grenton

Grenton Touch Panel


Grenton's Smart Home system is an advanced technological solution that will also enhance home security. It makes it possible to detect and respond to potential hazards automatically, which is especially important in preventing home accidents such as flooding or carbon monoxide poisoning. The use of sensors connected to a central control unit, allows quick intervention, for example by cutting off the water supply or automatically activating the ventilation system.The myGrenton app not only allows remote control of the home, but also sends not ifications of any irregularities requiring the owner's intervention.

Support in design and configuration

The launch of the Grenton Smart Home System involves the installation of a smart standard, followed by its proper configuration. During the entire process of implementation of the Grenton Smart Home System, we provide comprehensive support from our specialists, Authorized Grenton Dealers, who will help not only in matters of system planning, but also comprehensive implementation and support in daily use.

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Grenton Smart Home System Pricing

The cost of implementing the Grenton Smart Home System varies depending on the scope of its operation. It all depends on how extensive the system is to be and what functions it is to control. When planning a modern home installation, it is worth noting that the cost of a Grenton Smart Home System is realistically only about 30% of the value of such a system. The remaining amount spent on the system usually covers the cost of other installations in the house, which, by opting for the Grenton system, you will no longer have to buy. With thoughtful planning of home automation installations, it is possible to avoid duplication of these costs.

On the Grenton website, you can check out sample system packages and make an estimate for Grenton Smart Home System devices.

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For more information, visit the company's Grenton Sp. z o.o. page on the A&B portal.